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UNWORLDING... the art form formerly known as 'out of body experience,' 'astral travel,' 'lucid dreaming,' 'phasing,' 'the quick switch,' etc.



Anon in the nethermost of the four cave-wombs of the world, the seed of men and the creatures took form and increased; even as within eggs in warm places worms speedily appear, which growing, presently burst their shells and become as may happen, birds, tadpoles, or serpents, so did men and all creatures grow manifoldly and multiply in many kinds. Thus the lowermost womb or cave-world, which was Anosin Tehuli (the womb of sooty depth or of growth-germination, because it was the place of first formation and dark as a chimney at night time, foul too, as the internals of the belly) thus did it become overfilled with being. Everywhere were unfinished creatures, crawling like reptiles one over another in filth and black darkness, crowding thickly together and treading each other, one spitting on another or doing other indecency, insomuch that loud became their murmurings and lamentations, until many among them sought to escape, growing wiser and more manlike.

      --Frank H. Cushing, Zuni Creation Myths, 13th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, p. 381

Unworlding coach Frank Kepple spent his first five years as an unworlder battling monsters. One day he realized what was going on. He walked away and never looked back. No more battling monsters. The Unworld finally opened up for him.

What mechanism caused him to be stuck battling monsters for five years?

Worlds are reflective in nature. The reason for this has to do with the fact that there's only one of us, at the base. The identities of all entities, places, objects, and anything else you could add to the list of things that exist are all driven by the same awareness: awareness itself. There is only one awareness and it cannot be split up into parts. And yet, that's what the second harmonic awareness is. Identities. What's going on here? Besides the obvious fact that reality is tied up in paradox. If it weren't tied up in paradox, don't you think we'd have gotten it figured out a long time ago? After all, reality is our constant companion. But because of paradox's mysterious, undefinable tie-in to all that is perceived, instead of being able to routinely extract understanding from the obvious, we have to rely for insight on ironies like "can't see the forest for the trees."

Since awareness itself--pure awareness--is the same thing as infinity, reality, and existence, it is oneness. When oneness notices itself, that's the second harmonic of awareness, or twoness. In this mode of awareness, because of the influence of oneness, everything is a symbol of everything else. Oneness is indivisible. Twoness is divisibility itself. The paradox must be accounted for. So things exist because within infinity every possible thing must exist. But to satisfy the paradox, everything is a symbol of everything else.

In order for the separate things or identities to interact with each other, we need threeness or joining. Threeness is dimensionality. You might have heard of the third dimension. It is measurability. Depth. Proximity. Likeness. Communication. Resonance. Reflection. Have you noticed how often mirrors appear in unworlding fiction such as Alice Through the Looking Glass?  So what do you see in the mirror? A reflection. What is a reflection? A symbol. Because of proximity and orientation, if you stand in the right place you see an image of yourself. We say there is a mirror. Before there were mirrors you would have had to look at yourself in a pool of water like Narcissus. Imagine the first primate ancestor who looked into a pool of water and suddenly realized that the monkey in the water was himself.

The image you see in a mirror is a distortion, a partial copy of you. Contrary to popular assumption, reflections are not two dimensional. They are 3D with a thickness of zero. Everything in the physical world is three dimensional except energy, which is oneness. We can't see energy, just what it causes to happen. You can see reflections of energy. Our senses are reflections of twoness. They enable us to tell things apart, to separate one thing from another, to distinguish things. Twoness.

They say we create our reality. Skeptics laugh and believers believe, but wouldn't it be better to have an explanation for this mechanism that we can test and do thought experiments on? In the Unworld, if you fear that another entity might attack you, it will often immediately attack you. If you feel compassion for the entity during the attack, for example if you wish you could help the entity not be so mean and angry, then the attack might stop instantly. Here in consensus reality, we are mirrors of each other. When people hate each other the most, it's often because they don't like looking in the mirror. We all have the same soul, and that's... like... cue the Twilight Zone  music. There's only one soul, which is oneness. That is scary. No wonder religion has invented reincarnation and the elbow room of 10,000 lifetimes' leeway to get it right. Kinda takes the edge off, know what I mean? Do I really wanna be the same awareness that animates an Adolf Hitler? Liberace? Charlie Chaplin? King Arthur? Joe Blow? Well, to be perfectly honest, I kinda do, but I think most people would rather pick and choose who their relatives are, so we choose to believe in reincarnation instead of the notion that we are all reincarnations of everybody.

In the Unworld, you'll often be alone in your own reality. Back here at home in Earthville, this sort of thing rarely happens. There's a reason for this. Manifestation of thoughts and impulses directly into reality is usually slowed way down in consensus reality. There are also consensus realities in the Unworld. They're no more real than any dream, and neither is the human experience. Everything is real and everything is imaginary. You can't escape this paradox so you might as well get used to it. Some writers assume that consensus realities are more real than subjective realities, more objective. No, but they are more physical, more durable, because they're assembled by more individuals agreeing the details into existence. There's no reason to prefer consensus reality over subjective reality, other than personal preference.

Reality and solidity are not the same thing. Solidity or physicality represents an extreme investment of energy into 3ness. One reflection of 3ness is agreement. Consensus is agreement. We agree the physical world into existence. That doesn't mean it's real. It is, but not for the reason we think. Reality and physicality are two different things. Reality is basic, undifferentiated oneness. Physicality is 3ness. Without reality there would be no physicality. Oneness is built into 3ness. But you can have oneness, or infinity, or reality, without solid factuality. In the Unworld, if a monster sits on you and crushes all your bones, you just wake up or transition through the Urumara into a different dream. Here in the human form, a broken bone hurts for a long time and takes a long time to mend. Defacement and disfigurement can be permanent, for life. What's the difference between the two places?


In the Unworld, a man in a black cloak approaches you going, "OOOoooOOOOOooo..." It could be a ghost coming to suck out your essence or it could be a drunk trying to sing or it could be your dead grandfather wanting to give you a peck on the cheek. This depends on your attitude: whether you're afraid, how afraid you are, and whether you're willing and able to deal constructively with the fear. Fear is just a reflection of twoness. Any emotion can be changed into any other emotion, because it's just energy and energy can take infinite forms. However fast you can remember that the monster is just a reflection of your kneejerk reaction to its appearance, that's how fast the monster will want to cuddle and give you a piece of chocolate.

In Earthville, we create reality together. I mean solidity. Circumstances as they solidly are. In order to understand anything, we have to stop using the word 'reality' to refer to the factual world, because there aren't any facts as such, there are just agreements. What are agreements? "I believe this about that," is just an agreement with yourself. Agreements about what is factual are beliefs held in common with others. What creates circumstances? Intent. What adjusts Intent? Belief. So in consensus reality, or what I prefer to call the Collective Average, it is commonly held beliefs or agreements that influence the manifestation of facts. But your world and my world intersect so briefly, why is it that we perceive the same world? We haven't had enough time to interact and agree about anything, much less what's real.

There's a simple answer. Your world and my world are not the same at all. Not even close. I haven't got a clue what your world is like and you also know almost nothing about me. We just make a lot of assumptions and gloss over the details and come up with the comforting artificial, assumed sameness we call consensus or physicality. And pay dearly for it by feeling a lot of pain if an arm gets broken. The physical world is rigid. It doesn't conform to our wishes quickly, and if we're stubborn enough, some part of the physical world can be snapped in two for our trouble. Such rigidity is particularly annoying to those of us who wish to escape this place, operating on the fringes of the physical with few physical rewards, while others specialize in dealing with the rules productively and reap physical rewards for their trouble.

Earlier I said there's a reason for all this, a usefulness. Frank Kepple discovered this principle. Or was it Jurgen Ziewe? I forgot. Maybe both of them.

Let's say you're stuck in some hell, some behavior loop in the Unworld. You see something scary, you get scared, it gets scarier, you get more scared, and pretty soon it's fire and brimstone and eternal torture. I generally don't put much stock in these stories, because unworlders see others enduring these unending tortures and literally assume that what they're seeing is anything but a 2D image invested with solidity only by their own observation of it. But for the sake of argument, let's just pretend that this could really happen to someone in a place. Although, it seems to me that long-term or eternal punishment should be meaningless to the observed experiencer, since the influence of time is supposedly turned way down in the Unworld. How many explorers have stated that there is no time outside of consensus reality? I think what they meant to say is that there isn't much  time. Not nearly as much. We just aren't prepared to accurately describe timelessness; we'd have to know what time is before we could do that.

Anyway, assuming that actual conscious individuals could really be stuck in a time-meaningful way in a truly horrible place, a belief system hell, where their own karma and/or beliefs keep them from getting out, a much better place for such a tortured, trapped individual would be Earth! Where your every thought does not  immediately manifest matching circumstances right in front of your eyes. Never mind that Earthville then becomes a trap itself. It's a change of pace from fire and brimstone or whatever eternal damnation a panic-stricken individual might dream up for himself upon becoming aware of his own existence and immediately becoming stricken by panic. When I say that Earthville is a mental institution for those who can't play well with others, and that we need to escape this place in order to be free, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with those who say that Earth is a school. Because in order to escape, you have to learn how to.

What gets my goat is when New Age writers try to sell facts by the kilogram. Something about truth packaged for maximum sales makes me doubt that any truth can be assumed to be involved except for some superficial appearances that can be used as evidence that the item should be bought, like a toothpaste model's shiny ivories. Image is as image does. Depth of zero.

There are other consensus realities in the Unworld, other offshoots of the Unworld besides Earth. Entities group together, some of them, based on common interests. Others don't find this interesting and explore in very small groups or alone. Others just go to sleep. End of file. In the face of eternity, who cares? Awareness can't be killed. If an entity prefers not to exist, what's wrong with the notion that some files come with an expiration date? A beginning and an end? Nothing keeps that file from being replayed over and over, with variations, by awareness, thus turned into a different file, one that's worth sticking around. And awareness is the same thing as infinity.

I hope to find that once I actually get to the Unworld regularly and get to accumulate a considerable amount of unworlding experience, that I will find places where consensus reality doesn't amount to total insanity. But here in Earthville as I experience it, I find a world created by whatever trivia that billions of individuals manage to somehow agree on. This pretty much has to devolve into some swamp of lower common denominators mingling and writhing over one another. A place where very little is actually possible without a group effort.

Fortunately, unworlding is not a group effort.

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