I was gonna call this chapter...
...but I was afraid no one would read it, so I got an app for my stupidphone that automatically colorizes boring-sounding chapter titles, and "Moldy-Lingo's No-Spaz Solution to Everything" is what it spat out at me. Whaddaya think? Gonna keep reading? I hope so.
Let me warn you that as a child, my favorite fairytale was "The Emperor's New Clothes." If you need to refresh your memory, just read the last chapter of The Power of Silence by Carlos Castaneda, for the updated, scary version.
Unworlders are always saying things like, "I got out of my body into my bedroom and then went into the astrals," or "I can't get out of the real time zone," or "I can't find the real time zone." Or the ever-increasingly-familiar stupid question of the millenia: "Was this an OBE or was I just dreaming that I was having a lucid dream about having an OBE?" I don't exaggerate by very much: people are arguing about arbitrary, hand-me-down nomenclature when they could be having--and appreciating as is--perfectly remarkable experiences. And stupid questions are asked by intelligent people all the time. So don't get pissed if it sounds like I'm calling you an idiot. Remember that this entire book is a letter to myself. I am the bull goose idiot around here, and don't you forget it.
These inherently subjective altered states are subjective because they're inherently reflective of our inner worlds. As such, they're endowed with imagined universal characteristics by a process of glossing over whatever doesn't fit the consensus picture. They are not, by themselves, capable of actually constructing any such thing as a consensus Unworld. Deeply experienced unworlders such as Jurgen Ziewe and Robert Monroe would disagree, but spending time romping in the Unworld doesn't make you a philosopher. Spending decades at the task of being a philosopher makes you a philosopher. I don't want to get too embroiled in this debate because I'm still working, in terms of my own experience level, to map the route to the Unworld. But I'm sure that when I've eventually managed to log many highly lucid hours as a freelancer in the Unworld at large, I will have found that the place--and places in all worlds are just states of mind--the place is a hall of mirrors where my expectations will rise to the surface in the form of my personalized experience of altered states, i.e. Unworld places. And I'm sure that the other people I find there will be mostly me in disguise, distorted reflections of me and my dream bodies merging and unmerging with each other too fast to keep track of. Thus the need to gloss over the obvious in order to accept the preposterous. To be more than fair, possibly I will find that other people can find each other in consensus realities there, due to mutual interest, i.e. resonance, but I don't want to really form a hard opinion on it yet. I guess I really do suspect that consensus realities exist all over the Unworld--not just here in our local offshoot of it--but I fail to understand why someone would bust their butt to escape this consensus reality and then complain because they can't find another one out there right away. Isn't the one we're trying to escape from bad enough?
I do know that I'm prejudiced by my opinion that we all share a single soul or awareness. But I kinda think I will find more and more familiarity as I proceed to meet others there until I get what Robert Monroe was going on about, which is that we all merge in the end run via a series of larger and larger co-resonant soul groups, and so there's still ultimately only one of us. While Monroe's followers get hung up in the details of the fantasyland description of this process that made his books top dawg in the field, they aren't getting the main point, which is that all the talk of reincarnation and soul retrieval and board meetings and such is about getting caught up in the meandering along the way. Which is fine.
But that's not what this chapter is about.
This chapter is about the word 'THE' .
What is meant by 'the real time zone'? Don't they mean to say something like 'a place that appears to be a lot like the place where I live'? Anyone who says that his real time zone is exactly like his physical life zone is lying to himself, because in his physical life zone, he can't fly or walk through walls or see ghosts or read people's minds or jump off cliffs and live to tell about it. And I don't know of anyone who even claims that the RTZ is exactly like the physical world. If that person exists, he must have selective blindness. So if the RTZ isn't actually real and RTZ is just convenient terminology, who's to say that the one claiming to not be able to find the place isn't just whining? Millions of wanna-be unworlders would be ecstatic to find themselves anywhere but stuck forever in Earthville: RTZ, MPF, QRS, XYZ, who cares, as long as it's outside of the strait-jacket of this physical rule-bound existence.
But that's still not what this chapter is about.
I would like to suggest the existence of a place which--unless you were trying to sell books and courses--you might call 'A real time zone'. Do you get the distinction? Look carefully at this simple chart:
THE real time zone.A real time zone.
The issue here is objectivity bumping up against specificity. In reference to any unworlding environment such as the real time zone or the astrals, the word 'the' implies that there is one such place being referred to, and that this makes such a place more truly that place than other places could be, while we must assume also that the other places are either not quite real or else wrongly named. None of which actually makes enough sense to have a civilized conversation about it, and I'm going to tell you why.
We're being led around in circles by well-meaning unworlders who say, "Look! It's the Unworld!" And then some of them, again meaning well, go out of their way to convince us that it's incredibly difficult to get there, with long numbered lists of detailed instructions that make us feel small and incompetent. (But a Mastery Course of even more detailed instructions is available for purchase, now that you feel so helpless and lost...)
But this chapter is not about people teaching unworlding in imperfect ways. I consider these people my friends. I like them. I don't think selling unworlding books and courses is malicious. "We do the best we can," as Bob Monroe used to say, but I think he silently added, "while making as much money as possible off those who are OK with that." I know it's suicide in the "field" or "industry" of teaching OBE for money to question the authenticity of Bob Monroe's intentions, and I don't question them. He was, plain and simple, born to create productive team projects. But I don't mind making fun of him because it makes his true believers twitch, and I find that entertaining.
And since I do think we build our worlds with words, let's take a look at the words we use to build our worlds with.
The Astrals vs. The Real Time Zone is a completely fallacious delineation that competent unworlders actually get caught up in. The first step is to unhook the word 'the' from these subjective interpretations of reality which have become popularized. I guess they've become popular because they're the simplest geographical delineations among those that we have to choose from right now. I'd like our best to get better, because these words are hanging us up instead of helping us. That's why, on my Map of the Unworld, the Unworld itself is represented by a beach ball. Each color on the beach ball represents a different sector of the Unworld, with the implied sarcastic smirk trying to suggest that the real beach ball that really, accurately represents the real Unworld would have more than four or five colors on it, and it couldn't be spherical or any other mappable shape because it would in reality have no edges on it. But I just can't find a picture of that multidimensional beach ball to scrape off of Google Images.
There is no representation for infinity. None. You can't map imp-finity for someone else, you can only hope to create a personalized map for yourself. If someone tries to use your map uncritically, they're cutting their own throat or at least beating their heads against the wall around Focus 27, because Billy-Bob will not find the Unworld that the real Bob says he experienced. He'll just go in circles looking for it, not getting the big picture. And the big picture is that we're all Billy-Bob, and the Real Bob was a figment of long-ingrained corporate marketing habits. He was just another Billy-Bob like us with a deep interest in education, communication and corporate ventures. But corporations don't get unworlded; individuals do.
In a world that's created by the individual looking through his own portal or Troovammickle--his own filters--there is no such thing as the anything. We waste our energy earnestly seeking validation of the reality of the unworlding phenomena. I say "waste energy" because the act of doubt creates experiences that reinforce doubt. Which effortlessly makes unworlding seem impossible to learn. Meanwhile, people who naturally or naively accept reality as a multidimensional stewpot that can't be pinned down by 3D science have validation experiences routinely because they're not obsessed with proving anything. Like just about anyone 1000 years ago--who probably believed in leprechauns and had probably seen a few--they have the common sense to believe their own eyes and take non-physical experience for granted as being a normal part of reality. They have a wider, more relaxed perspective on what it is to be a speck of infinity than the validation-seeking science addict.
As for validation that non-physical phenomena are real, I've had several experiences while fully awake, about one of each, complete with validation from another witness in each case: one UFO sighting, one aura sighting, one cow-in-the road sighting through the mountain so that I braked before I saw the cow with my eyes. I've also had more than one totally unexpected, unmistakeably precognitive dream, and only one-ever experience of making a certain card appear after shuffling and cutting the deck, and that was not done spontaneously nor in the non-physical, but right here in Earthville, by going through a gruelling ritual of focusing the Intent and making sure that my focus didn't stray for one second. I've experienced almost everything you can read about, at least once, in terms of stuff that people say might happen to you on the way to the Unworld. Some of it only this week. And so have you, every time you go to sleep. Amnesia is also a part of reality.
Moving right along, I'd like to wonder perhaps whether or not all experience is equally fictitious. Not because this assertion needs to be true, or should be true, and not because I plan to prove it. But because this belief will help your practice. Ever come back from the Unworld totally discouraged because you didn't make it to the astrals or the real time zone or the Akashik Library or the Park or the Big Bang or the whatever? This is so wrong. What a waste.
We have a barely-noticed little word in English which denotes a thing as being non-specific in some way. A non-specific thing marked by the word 'a' or 'an' fulfills the requirements of being in a category. But a specific thing, marked by the word 'the,' requires us to believe that there's only one thing in that category. Which makes Robert Bruce's real time zone pretty much inaccessible to the rest of us because you'd have to be Robert Bruce to actually find the place. (Just kidding, Robert. Your book informs people right off the bat that the Real Time Zone is not exactly the same as the physical world, but people don't read very carefully, they just see what they want to see.) The Unworld art schools of Jurgen Ziewe belong to Jurgen Ziewe. The objective realities defined by Kepple are objective to Kepple. Monroe's Park has a big sign out front: "Astral Country Club. TMItes only." (That remark was a test of the veracity of the very notion that I'm joking about, to see whether such comments get me permanently blackballed from the insiders' club. It's OK if I do, because knowing someone who knew Bob Monroe or Bruce Moen personally never helped anyone get unworlded. To be honest, whenever I fall into trying to accomplish new age networking vs. just being friendly, helpful and my truly humble self, it hurts my practice.)
Objectivity only exists within subjective worlds, because all worlds are by definition--due to the way worlds are created--filtered through the eyes of an individual, and therefore all worlds are subjective.
I won't make you go back and find that last sentence again just because it was of utmost key importance. I'll just repeat it:
Objectivity only exists within subjective worlds, because all worlds are by definition--due to the way worlds are created--filtered through the eyes of an individual, and therefore all worlds are subjective. And while consensus worlds seem to be an exception, what really happens in that case is that members of the consensus more or less agree to gloss over discrepancies so they can assume they all live in the same world. Which is normal, it's not gonna change. Simply put, the individual and his world are the same thing, consensus world or not.
I'm kinda trying to say that your mind's eye and its cohorts create a magical world for you to cavort in till the end of non-time, and you're wasting your time freaking out because you think your magical world might not be the same as someone else's magical world and that means to you that the Unworld you experience might not be 'real'. Which part of 'magical' do I have to explain to you? The part where 'magical' and 'physical' are opposites by definition? The part where physical worlds, by definition, rot and wither up and blow away, while magical ones are potentially here to stay? You people are hopeless. I should give up explaining things, but you weirdos are the only people who will talk to me. Just listen while I say it one more time: reality and physicality are not the same thing. Consensus realities are more physical than individually experienced altered states--because solidity and agreement are both the same thing: 3ness--but being more physical and more real are not the same thing. It's no more or less possible to go back to the same physical experience to re-experience it, than it is to go back to the same non-physical experience. Ever wondered why 'moment' and 'movement' are so similar? They're the same word, maybe? Nothing can be re-experienced in its totality from a typical physical state, and yet if you get to an appropriate state in the Unworld or through hypnosis, you can re-experience anything including stuff you never experienced to begin with. What you experience determines what is real. What you remember is reality. Whether or not you feel like calling it 'physical' often depends on whether there were witnesses. The big secret is that the witnesses were you. Because there is one soul inhabiting infinite bodies, sooo.....
The difference between hoping to get a glimpse or experience of an Unworld landscape is a lot different than hoping to get a glimpse of that certain landscape in the Unworld as reported by some other individual. All realities are a function of our having somehow managed to dream them up in order that we--that is, different perspectives of pure awareness--can experience them. So do yourself a favor and guarantee yourself a shot at that happy, self-satisfied feeling you get with the joy of discovery by planning a visit to an illusional world, because that's what you're doing right now, and it feels completely real, doesn't it?
But is your perceived world real to that guy over there across the way?
Does he know what you're seeing, hearing, feeling, right here in the physical world? (I mean a physical world.) Why does he feel hot while you feel cold? Look, two cars just rammed into each other and you both saw it! Are you both gonna describe it the same way? Did you know that real police, unlike the TV police, hope for as few witness details as possible? Because, the fact is, there are no facts, and policemen like donuts and coffee and football and barbecued steak and going home after their shift, not sifting through the inevitable impossibility of assembling pseudo-facts from two dozen totally conflicting witness reports. That crap is for juries, who perform the ridiculous act of voting facts into existence, and for judges and attorneys, who simply assemble the evidence in such a way as to favor the highest bidder. Don't you think there's a reason why nearly everyone who's ever been accused of something specific cries foul? Nothing makes you more aware of the discrepancies between two peoples' interpretations of an event than to be blamed for the event.
The problem is that our unique individual subjective worlds do intersect briefly, here and there. So as small children we get all excited and jump to the conclusion that we all live in the same reality because we agree on a few things. It's less lonely that way, but the price of companionablism is a prisonlike 'life' where reality is voted into existence by mostly other people. The parts of this system which we don't catch onto quickly enough as young children, well... society is happy to beat the rest of it into us.
And then we spend the rest of our lives arguing, trying to force the rest of our experiences into some form of consensus mold, because the notion of living alone forever in one's own perfectly subjective reality is scary as all get-out. That's why we're voraciously gobbling up every scrap of info and pseudo-info that we can find about unworlding, hatching the most complicated escape plans we could possibly come up with, on a planet that's obviously dying in the arms of groupthink.
And that's one of the reasons beginning unworlders get lost and go in circles, instead of going straight to the Unworld by the easiest and most obvious route.
I can say the Unworld because unlike some folks who try to describe it, I remember to first describe it as infinity made of pure awareness, and there could only be one of those anyway, due to traits that infinity would need to have in order to be infinity.
Get it? There's no place to go. And if you're already there, then you are one infinitely minor adjustment away from being where you already are, no?