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Currently this website has no index or search function. In the meantime, this page is a copy of my Glossary page and you can use CTRL+F on a page-by-page basis. When I have a lot of chapters online I will either install a search function or delete the links to this page if I decide not to bother.

To turn that magnificence out there into reasonableness doesn't do anything for you. Here, surrounding us, is eternity itself. To engage in reducing it to a manageable nonsense is petty and outright disastrous.

--Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power

If you read all the intros first, you'll be able to skip around and read the chapters in any order. There's a context-sensitive glossary so you don't have to memorize the new terminology. The definitions below are the same as the ones you get in context by pointing at the green words on the other pages.


1BCAVNMB9 is just a memory aid for the nine Frawmbickly Acts: 1) Dream Recall, 2) Blaffinveigle, 3) Chaining Moments, 4) Awakenings, 5) Veraspect & Vac-U-Move, 6) Nubberzuck, 7) Metsuke, 8) Breathing, and 9) Denormopia.

2-3-4 BODY/MIND/WORLD or '2-3-4 mind' for short, is a conglomeration of the lowest three chakras which comprises and spontaneously creates the conscious mind, the physical body, and the real world simultaneously moment by moment. Everyone has a different configuration, for example someone who is extremely unorderly and has no concept of time might be low on 4ness. But in general, 2ness and 3ness have long since merged in the human form while most of us are now stuck in 4ness which has merged into the human form in recent millenia or centuries. While some people are comfortable with their 5ness dream body, most of us are stuck at this point. The main theme of learning to get unworlded at will is to borrow energy from the 2-3-4 and give it to 5ness. 5ness is the Dream Usher and the center of our being, and it knows how to distribute energy to the Uppers (6ness, 7ness, and 8ness) which accelerates progress in this practice. Escaping the whirlpool of 4ness is the most difficult step since it involves turning over control, which 2-3-4 thinks will cause its death.

5+ SENSES are seeing, hearing, and feeling, which account for almost everything we perceive. Touch, taste, smell, and balance are all part of the sense of touch. Sensations of pain and temperature are also part of the sense of touch. Do not confuse the outer skin's sense of touch--the feeling of the bed against your bottom--with the feeling of your body from the inside out, which is a kind of vibration or sizzling if you stop to notice it. The senses are of utmost importance as they report the experience of the Moment to us, and the Moment is the only experience we actually have. So in order to increase lucidity, engage any or all of your so-called physical senses during an unworlding or Noticing session, and this will make your dream body more real.

1NESS or oneness, the fundamental, the 1st harmonic of awareness, pure awareness, potential energy, Existence Itself, infinity, the color infrared, cannot be described well but many names for it exist including those just listed as well as Source, the Tao, the universe, the whole, God, etc.

2NESS or twoness, the 2ness body, the 2nd harmonic of awareness, the 1st overtone of reality, the 1st chakra or root chakra, the color red, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Separation, identity, emotion, definition, difference, duality, dichotomy. 2ness is a large part of the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World which makes reality inescapably physical by hogging all the energy that should be shared equally among all Seven of the dream bodies.

3NESS or threeness, the 3ness body, the 3rd harmonic of awareness, the 2nd overtone of reality, the 2nd chakra or belly chakra, the color orange, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Attachment, connection, memory, Chaining, relationship, communication, joining, solidity, 3-dimensional reality. 3ness is a large part of the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World which makes reality inescapably physical by hogging all the energy that should be shared equally among all Seven of the dream bodies.

4NESS or fourness, the 4ness body, the 4th harmonic of awareness, the 3rd overtone of reality, the 3rd chakra or solar plexus chakra, the color yellow, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Order, time, value, logic, framework, reason, system, arrangement. 4ness is a large part of the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World which makes reality inescapably physical by hogging all the energy that should be shared equally among all Seven of the dream bodies. 4ness is the currently active trap of a large proportion of humanity which is reaching out toward 5ness, which is the antidote to 4ness.

5NESS or fiveness, the 5ness body, the 5th harmonic of awareness, the 4th overtone of reality, the 4th chakra or heart chakra, the color green, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Change, flow, motion, Intent, the Dream Usher, the Nowhere, the void. 5ness is the center of our being and is capable of balancing the other chakras. Once the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World learns to stop monopolizing all our energy, the freed-up energy is delivered to the 5ness body which redistributes it to all Seven of the bodies evenly. This is how we get unworlded, and how long we stay unworlded depends on how long we keep our chakras balanced.

6NESS or sixness, the 6ness body, the 6th harmonic of awareness, the 5th overtone of reality, the 5th chakra or throat chakra, the color aqua, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Noticing, appreciation, gratitude, interest, enthusiasm, obsession, group activity, sexual desire, Cwahacoy. While the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World represents the prison of physicality, the Uppers or 6-7-8 represent guidance within the Unworld.

7NESS or sevenness, the 7ness body, the 7th harmonic of awareness, the 6th overtone of reality, the 6th chakra or brow chakra, the color blue, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Intuition, true wisdom, information, knowing what's going on behind the scenes, patternspotting, fluency. While the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World represents the prison of physicality, the Uppers or 6-7-8 represent guidance within the Unworld.

8NESS or eightness, the 8ness body, the 8th harmonic of awareness, the 7th overtone of reality, the 7th chakra or crown chakra, the color violet, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Expansion, relaxation, freedom. While the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World represents the prison of physicality, the Uppers or 6-7-8 represent guidance within the Unworld. While fear and stress make the world more real, the vaporization of this tension can make you fly in the Unworld.

9NESS or nineness, the 9ness body, the 9th harmonic of awareness, the 8th overtone of reality, the 8th chakra or air chakra, the color ultraviolet, the Miruvor, the body of air, the future self, the higher self, can be described approximately by any number of conceptual terms including the following. Synthesis, cooperation, harmony, sharing.

360 DEGREE VISION refers to the ability of the dream bodies to see with the mind, not with the eyes. This kind of vision is not limited to seeing what's in front of the body. This is the visual counterpart of telepathy, which is the standard means of communicating in the Unworld, instead of speaking in word symbols. Therefore it could be conjectured that 360 degree vision communicates meaning directly instead of with symbolic pictures. And from that it follows that abstract experiences could be had which have no symbolic counterpart, and are therefore able to be experienced but not described.

ADA or All Day Awareness is supposed to be able to take the place of doing waking reality checks. It does this by putting the practitioner in the habit of paying attention. ADA is just a matter of paying attention all the time to as much present-time sensory input as possible, as well as mental and emotional context taking place in the Moment. I prefer the term Continuously Paying Attention.

ADDICTION TO UNCONSCIOUSNESS also known as addiction to deep unconsciousness or just 'going into that nightly coma' is caused by the 2-3-4 Mind's reflexive fear of going to sleep, which the 2-3-4 mistakes for its doom, i.e. death. This is due to the fact that in order to give up control of the body's semi-autonomous life-promoting processes such as breathing, and ignoring or swallowing saliva instead of choking on it, many people must self-induce a delirious, coma-like condition in order to forestall panic, since panic would keep the person from being able to sleep at all. The problem can be turned into chronic insomnia by parents who force children to sleep when they don't want to, parents who send their children to their room as a form of punishment, etc. with the whole prospect of sleep therefore taking on the most negative possible connotation. The solution to being able to go to sleep without losing awareness is Daytime Practice at the borderline of sleep, since we are aware of our goals at this time, vs. trying to force yourself to learn anything when you're already semi-unconscious with deep unconsciousness calling to you. The fear barrier, i.e. intolerance of going through the Urumara consciously, can be overcome by relentlessly chipping away at it: through experience. Each person has to find his own way.

AIR ADDICTION Becoming addicted to air is not as easy as it sounds. Most of us breathe only enough to stay alive and make up the difference with a variety of casual 'addictions' such as junk food or whatever we use to make us feel normal. When you breathe so much that you catch yourself each time you stop breathing, then you are getting addicted to air. When you never stop breathing and don't want to, then you are addicted to air.

ANAL is short for analytical. It has nothing to do with whether or not anyone is an asshole. Really.

ANCHOR has too many meanings in this field, one of which is an object or event that reminds you to consider your relationship to unworlding, do reality checks, etc. For example, I have five objects around my desk which are meaningful to me in regards to dreaming and unworlding. One is a lucidity hat that I only wear while recording lucid unworldings in my journal. Another is a special piece of rose quartz that reminds me to look for the color pink in dreams. Another is a drawing I made of my higher self from a special meeting in a special unworlding. When performing the What-Just-Happened reality check, I look from one to the next of these five items to make sure they are there, because if they're gone, distorted, or out of place, then I must be dreaming. And just looking at them helps keep unworlding on my mind.

APNEA (THE) is what I used to call the Urumara when I first discovered it. I named it this because I was always waking up in a choking panic instead of going through it.

APPRECIATION of the spontaneous variety--I'm not talking about some forced new agey glop--is evidence that the 6ness body is part of the proceedings. Obsession is evidence that 6ness has stolen the show.

AQUA also called cyan or turquoise is the color of the 5th chakra, the throat chakra, 6ness, the 5th overtone of reality, the 6th harmonic of awareness. If you look at a natural light spectrum or a rainbow, the traditional view of the spectrum colors is wrong. Most people can't differentiate the color indigo in a rainbow, but they can identify green, aqua, blue and violet. The reason for the confusion is that some of the color names have changed meaning since the spectrum colors were first set in stone by a textbook writer, and no one who writes about chakras has looked at a rainbow since then to check this eminent scientist's work. From Wikipedia's article 'Visible Spectrum': '...evidence indicates that what Newton meant by indigo and blue does not correspond to the modern meanings of those color words. Comparing Newton's observation of prismatic colors to a color image of the visible light spectrum shows that indigo corresponds to what is today called blue, whereas blue corresponds to cyan.'

ASTRAL VISION in the Unworld is not like seeing with the eyes. The physical eyes focus on small things at the expense of defocusing everything else. But the mind's eye sees in 360 degrees and in complete focus. If you focus down on one thing when seeing non-physical images, the whole scene will disappear. This is a function of the so-called 3rd eye or the brow chakra, the 7ness dream body, wisdom or intuition.

ATTENTION is the energy of awareness channeled through a lens or device that focuses and filters awareness. Attention is the use of awareness. Since awareness is the basic energy of the universe--Existence Itself--Attention is the most basic tool there is. It's so basic that it's hard to place within my Synfonemia arsenal at this time so I'll have to get back to this definition after going over my notes. Hint: if Attention is something that we pay, then it's probably a reflection of 4ness, since value is a reflection of 4ness. This seems to correlate with how energy in potential is one thing, but energy in use is work. Yeah, that's it. Attention is the work done by pure awareness.

AUTHOR is someone who must describe things and tell stories in order to keep his internal dialog from driving him bananas. A professional artist is someone who vents for a living.

AWAKENING is when you suddenly change scenes, such as when you find yourself out of a dream scene and back in your bed, or when you find yourself in darkness and assume you are in your bed and even 'in' your body. This is an unusually potent time to do a reality check, preferably one you can do without moving or opening your eyes, such as trying to see through your supposed eyelids. Much of what we experience in our beds, especially upon Awakening in a just-changed state, takes place in the Nowhere, and is just outfitted to seem like a standard in-bed wakeup scene because that's what we expect. The other thing to do upon Awakening is to ask yourself, 'What just happened,' since quite often you will recall having just interacted with your dream bodies, but tiny unworldings fade quickly. Awakening sessions should be done daily while lying down and doing some sort of breathing exercise to cause momentary lapses into altered states, which are always followed by Awakenings unless the breathing kills you or puts you into a coma. Awakening sessions will introduce you to your dream bodies, especially motions of your dream bodies which are consciously designed by those bodies to wake you up, which to them simply means to make your real or physical body lucid, whether in this dream or that. This motion falls on a spectrum between Raduga's 'phantom wiggle' and the well-known 'hypnagogic twitch,' which I just call 'the Jerk'.

AWAKENING is when you suddenly change scenes, such as when you find yourself out of a dream scene and back in your bed, or when you find yourself in darkness and assume you are in your bed and even 'in' your body. This is an unusually potent time to do a reality check, preferably one you can do without moving or opening your eyes, such as trying to see through your supposed eyelids. Much of what we experience in our beds, especially upon Awakening in a just-changed state, takes place in the Nowhere, and is just outfitted to seem like a standard in-bed wakeup scene because that's what we expect. The other thing to do upon Awakening is to ask yourself, 'What just happened,' since quite often you will recall having just interacted with your dream bodies, but tiny unworldings fade quickly. Awakening sessions should be done daily while lying down and doing some sort of breathing exercise to cause momentary lapses into altered states, which are always followed by Awakenings unless the breathing kills you or puts you into a coma. Awakening sessions will introduce you to your dream bodies, especially motions of your dream bodies which are consciously designed by those bodies to wake you up, which to them simply means to make your real or physical body lucid, whether in this dream or that. This motion falls on a spectrum between Raduga's 'phantom wiggle' and the well-known 'hypnagogic twitch,' which I just call 'the Jerk'.": "AWAKENING is when you suddenly change scenes, such as when you find yourself out of a dream scene and back in your bed, or when you find yourself in darkness and assume you are in your bed and even 'in' your body. This is an unusually potent time to do a reality check, preferably one you can do without moving or opening your eyes, such as trying to see through your supposed eyelids. Much of what we experience in our beds, especially upon Awakening in a just-changed state, takes place in the Nowhere, and is just outfitted to seem like a standard in-bed wakeup scene because that's what we expect. The other thing to do upon Awakening is to ask yourself, 'What just happened,' since quite often you will recall having just interacted with your dream bodies, but tiny unworldings fade quickly. Awakening sessions should be done daily while lying down and doing some sort of breathing exercise to cause momentary lapses into altered states, which are always followed by Awakenings unless the breathing kills you or puts you into a coma. Awakening sessions will introduce you to your dream bodies, especially motions of your dream bodies which are consciously designed by those bodies to wake you up, which to them simply means to make your real or physical body lucid, whether in this dream or that. This motion falls on a spectrum between Raduga's 'phantom wiggle' and the well-known 'hypnagogic twitch,' which I just call 'the Jerk'.

AWARENESS in the sense of pure consciousness, undifferentiated and undefinable, is the same thing as all of infinity, reality itself, existence itself, etc. It is the first harmonic of awareness, the energy that underlies all of creation. Religion and philosophy have given oneness many names including God, the Tao, etc.

BABBLE (THE) We build a world for ourselves using the internal dialog as one of the tools. The internal dialog is also called the monkey mind in general, while the Babble of the human race as a whole is called the Froth. The ability to stop the internal dialog, an act which I call Blaffinveigle, is the most important task a practitioner can take on.

BALANCED By 'balanced' I don't mean the typical current tendency for society to automatically reject anything that stands out from some norm of behavior. I'm talking about something very specific that is not subject to anyone's judgments. Balanced means all Seven of your dream bodies are sharing your energy equally. This isn't as easy as it sounds as the typical physical world is upheld by the 2-3-4 Mind/Body/World hogging all your energy. Balancing the energy from a single chakra or dream body amounts to not letting that dream body (that part of your whole being) monopolize all your energy. Balance can thus be seen as the opposite of obsession.

BEANSTALK, BEANPOLE Climbing the Beanstalk, a.k.a. the Beanpole or Bob Monroe's 'rundown,' is a Daytime Practice you can use to keep you focused on what you're doing when lying down trying to get close to the borderline of sleep. Your Beanpole should be just interesting enough to keep you from falling asleep easily, while not interesting enough to send you off into the monkey mind. Most so-called techniques of unworlding, such as the rope trick, are not techniques of unworlding at all, which is why they don't usually work: someone sets out to use a technique to pry himself out of his body when the technique has no magical abilities at all, unless it hits the right nerve and then it might work a few times due to the placebo effect. It's important to realize that we don't have a body and unworlding is not about leaving or getting out of something (which doesn't exist anyway). All experience is a configuration on a multidimensional spectrum, so to get from this 'body' to that 'body' or from this state of consciousness to that one or from this dream place to that one, it's just a matter of tweaking a few knobs and you're there. The mechanism for doing this is not accessible to the conscious mind if you're inexperienced in lucidly unworlding, and each of the so-called techniques is just a way of keeping the conscious mind awake long enough for its usual configuration to drop off. Noticing makes it possible to realize that you are somewhere else, even someone else. Which will "wake" most people up immediately, i.e. shoot them right back into their so-called physical body: their usual configuration. Those knobs we're tweaking have inertia, so we come back to the same place by habit. With experience, the recognition that you've lapsed into a so-called non-physical reality does not shock you back to the usual configuration, but it takes a lot of practice. The time to practice is when you're wide awake.

BEDTIME and the amount of time spent asleep have been a thorny issue my whole life. I was a childhood insomniac because my mom was a hobby person with four kids and no time for her hobbies, so she put us to bed way too early and I was never sleepy when I was abandoned in a dark room. So throughout my childhood I didn't have enough sleep; just too much time in bed with eyes open. Unworlders need more sleep than other people in general, and there's always the prevailing notion that we would be wasting our time to attempt unworlding before having had four to six hours of sleep. This is poppycock believed by masters of unworlding who've forgotten what being a beginner is all about; beginners must discover this sort of thing for themselves, and many people find that one or more unworlding techniques--such as WILD--are only usable by them at bedtime. I have had several fascinating experiences, including my first WILD, at bedtime. But the right thing to do is to go to bed an hour or two early and plan on spending an extra hour or two in bed. On the other hand, sleeping 11 or 12 hours each day will put most people into a stupor 24/7, in spite of its occasionally helping to generate an unworlding. As for why we need to sleep at least 8 hours a night, some people have discovered that deep meditation, with enthusiasm, will remove the need for so much sleep. These people report that they can drop immediately into unworlding and/or REM sleep upon going to bed, or sleep only four hours a night while able to unworld lucidly the whole time.

BEGINNER SINCE 1970 is someone who first heard of astral projection in 1970 and has been beating his head against the astral wall ever since. Many long interruptions have kept me a beginner, but have also given a lot of people time to get the literature caught up so I'd have more to study instead of just rereading Journeys Out of the Body two or three times a year.

BELIEFS are influenced by terminology, so some of the pitfalls we find ourselves in if we carry on using traditional terminology are self-perpetuating assumptions in a quickly changing and subjective field. But I disagree with those who say one should have no beliefs at all. Rather, we should be willing to change beliefs and be able to recognize when this needs to be done. The ability to do this is one of the useful functions of the internal dialog: when a belief needs to be changed, you need to have a talk with yourself about what that belief has done for you, and how you can change the belief and still get that need met in another way. Beliefs and opinions are reflections of 3ness, agreements with yourself and others about what is real.

BIG DREAM is more than detritus from the day or psychologically dealing with the guy who cut you off in traffic. Big Dreams are about major life changes, metaphysical transitions, etc.

BLAFFINVEIGLE is one of the Frawmbickly Acts, the balancing of twoness, the counteracting of our tendency to play life as a melodrama, an emotional indulgence. It is the act of shutting down the internal dialog or chattering monkey mind. There are three kinds of Blaffinveigle: positive, negative and neutral. Negative Blaffinveigle is deep meditation, the direct shutting off of the Babble, generally with eyes closed, sitting down. But if you can't close your eyes and sit down, don't let that stop you from shutting off the Babble; as soon as you do, you'll feel like you're in a lucid dream and that's a good time to do a reality check. In Positive Blaffinveigle, the practitioner turns something on instead of turning something off. He reminds himself that only the Moment actually exists. Again, this will make you feel like you're dreaming, so do a reality check. Neutral Blaffinveigle is when the practitioner sets out to indulge in neither attraction nor aversion to the people, attributes and events inside and around him. Neutral Blaffinveigle is best described in a wonderful book by the Tibetan guru Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche called Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep.

BLINDNESS in the Unworld is the lack of astral vision. It is very common and should not be resisted directly. Instead of resisting blindness, just intend to look at something you find interesting, and ignore the blindness. This should be planned in advance. For example, you should plan on teleporting to a mirror anytime you find yourself blind in the Unworld. This method goes around resistance, because if you focus on the blindness you'll just make it more real.

BLUE is the color of the brow chakra or third eye, the 7ness dream body or 6th overtone of awareness, which involves intuition or true wisdom, the ability to know what's going on behind the scenes. The deep iridescent blue color is easy to generate behind closed eyelids by doing breathing exercises, in my experience. It is an unmistakable shade of blue.

BOCCAPERTA Stephen was the religious name given to the monk Giuseppe of Copertino who later became known as the flying monk St. Joseph of Cupertino who performed more miracles than any other saint in history, and tended to fly into the air during ecstatic trance so often that he had to be moved from town to town to keep curiosity seekers from overrunning his home. When Stephen came to me in a dream just before I had my first conscious exit to the Unworld, I had a picture of St. Joseph on my wall, but did not make the connection at the time because I had not yet read The Man Who Could Fly: St. Joseph of Copertino and the Mystery of Levitation. St. Joe was also the patron saint of idiots and mouth breathers. Please refer to the entry for 'idiot'. As a youngster, Giuseppe was nicknamed 'Boccaperta' or mouth breather because he walked around with his mouth hanging open in awe of Existence Itself. Since he was raised in the Catholic tradition, naturally his mystical tendencies took the route of religion.

BODY OF AIR It stands to reason that if the Breath of Flight a.k.a. the Buzz Breath can, all by itself without any other techniques, make you lucid 24 hours a day, then it does this by means of some unknown process that dissolves the solid cancerous parts of your psyche that make you want to be an earth-grubbing human worm when you could be dreaming, and it follows logically that the resulting non-earthbound body should be called the Body of Air. Think of it this way. If you lie down and instantaneously evaporate all the pockets of stress and tension in the meat body, won't the resulting pixie dust gas (assuming it's not bad for you) instantly teleport you in a rapturous state of bliss to the Elevated Zones of Float, where you can experience the Infinity of You from an elevated point of view?

BORDERLINE OF SLEEP Spending time daily at the borderline of sleep or the Urumara should be a number one goal of beginning unworlders. This will teach your 2-3-4 Mind or conscious Attention to Notice phenomena, abilities and sensations unique to that state of mind so action can be taken to get unworlded.

The BOSS is a member of my Soul Retinue, my 3ness dream body. In my dreams the Boss is personified by various ex-employers such as Mr. Murray and others. As a leader and supervisor it's his task to hold things together.

BREAKFAST should be delayed till you are wide awake, preferably after doing morning chores and even physical exercise. This will get you out of the habit of thinking of food immediately upon waking up. This is important because early morning is the most natural time for spontaneous unworlding, especially using the Indirect method, all of which could be blanked out completely if your first thought upon waking is food. Exercising before breakfast is also the best way to lose weight.


is the same thing as the Buzz Breath. I do it to get high since I don't take drugs, at all, ever. Don't do the Breath of Flight. It's immoral and dangerous.

BREATHWALKING is absolutely forbidden. Don't you dare try it. You have to be lying down, not in water, not cold or hot, not drunk, stoned, crazy, considered mentally ill by those who love or hate you, smoking anything, uncomfortable, sick, etc. when you do any kind of breathing exercise.

BROWN is the color of Smudgely, a composite of my dream bodies who is responsible for getting me to see that I'm dreaming.

BUZZ BREATH is the same thing as the Breath of Flight. I do it to get high since I don't take drugs, at all, ever. Don't do the Buzz Breath. It's immoral and dangerous.

CALMING DOWN quickly is prerequisite to prolonging the unworlding experience, especially on those frequent occasions when realizing you are unworlded or becoming lucid is attended by a rush of excitement. This is another application of Metsuke or the ability to balance focus and detachment, in which the greater goal of learning how to prolong the experience is more important than streaking through the sky screaming in ecstasy, wasting your energy all at once.

CANNONBALL EXIT a sudden change of state which is perceived as a high speed transfer of consciousness into an unworlded environment, often brought on my an induction technique or dream scene that invokes the sense of motion. Frank Kepple gives a good description of this, and Phase Evolution on YouTube has a video on the roller coaster induction which, for him, tends to induce a cannonball exit.

CASTANEDA, CARLOS was a Peruvian immigrant to Los Angeles, USA who obtained a doctorate in anthropology when in his 40s. His theses were about obtaining training in the use of hallucinogenic plants as an aid to unworlding, and he was able to sell the theses as mass market philosophy books. The books became best sellers and he wrote several more books. His unworlding experiences and theories seemed profound and extensive, and he was a great storyteller above all else, but no one knows to what level the experiences and characters he described were fictional. Castaneda had a large influence on New Age philosophy. He was a sociable and humorous man of great intelligence but his obsession with keeping his personal life a mystery, which he claimed was a central method of unworlding, thrust a shadow on his work, since we never know when he is telling stories or relating factual experiences. Those who study his work carefully can't even agree as to whether his theories and methods work or not.

CATALYST is a category of phenomena in the Unworld which act as a trigger to make you more lucid and/or as a gauge to indicate your level of lucidity. The category consists of (1) General Lucidity Triggers which are general phenomena such as 'unusual vividness' and (2) Personal Lucidity Objects such as 'guitar', 'books' or 'the color pink' which are catalysts for some people but not for others. Other words for catalysts fogjogger, dreamsign and lucidity cue. In the waking dream, catalysts are used here which remind us to get lucid in dreams later. This is called anchor. For example, you might remember to do a reality check every time you walk into another room. Or wear a Lucidity Hat every time you get to write a lucid dream in your journal.

CHAINED CONTENT applies to any unworlding including non-lucid dreams. Upon Awakening from a dream, if you fix in your mind the contents of the dream you just had, you will usually go back to the dream scene again very soon, or one similar to it, containing some of the same plot elements, settings, or characters. Recurring dreams work on a similar principle, chaining content that is of general interest to you or symbols representing something of importance to you.

CHAINING is the balanced use of 3ness as a tool. It involves training the memory to be of use in learning to unworld and stay unworlded. Chaining applies to all levels of the unworlding practice. Here are some examples of Chaining as it applies to seemingly unrelated areas. Chaining dream content: if you wake up from a dream, lucid or not, and go right back to sleep while mentally going over the details of the dream, one or more of the dreams that follow will usually use some of the same dream symbols, characters, plots, and places. Chaining lucidity: if you wake up from a lucid dream and force yourself right back to sleep while remembering that you want to get lucid some more right away, the chances are high of having two or more lucid dreams in one night. Chaining awareness: also called 'All Day Awareness' but I prefer to call it Continuously Paying Attention, this practice is said to do more for lucidity than reality checks. Engaging all your senses, remember to Notice everything around you, all your physical and mental experiences. Since Chaining is pure 3ness, it's a powerful tool for unworlders in every part of the practice.

CHAKRA is an energy center in an underlying reality which we perceive as a part of us. Working together, more-or-less, the seven main chakras create the body as we know it. Working together well, in true harmony, the seven chakras synthesize an unknown eighth chakra which is the higher self, the Miruvor. Each of the seven chakras is also called an overtone of awareness according to the chakra numbering system or a harmonic of awareness according to the numbering system used in conventional numerology with its nine digits.

CHOKING PANIC is part of the Urumara for some people. During the transition from waking to sleeping which most people go through unconsciously, when the 2-3-4 Body gives up the massive monopolization of energy it needs to maintain stable physicality--i.e. when you go to sleep--the breathing process transitions from partially autonomous to fully autonomous. At this point, if the 2-3-4 Mind has not shut down completely, it might think it's about to suffocate because of saliva trickling down the throat or a sudden change of breathing pattern or loss of sensations normally associated with control of the breathing process. The 2-3-4 thinks it's dying and/or going crazy because it's used to being comatose already when the autonomous breathing takes over. For this reason, some practitioners think they've developed sleep apnea when they've never had it before, probably because so many people try sleeping on their back in hopes it will help them retain consciousness longer. For me, the solution seems to be constant repetition and hovering near the Urumara, the borderline of sleep, for up to an hour or more each day. This will help you get used to the sensation of losing what we typically perceive as mental control of physical reality. This phenomenon is the same thing as the 'old hag syndrome' sometimes experienced during sleep paralysis, when people who remain aware while their body is falling asleep often sense a weight on their chest.

CLEARSPEAK is any instance of words, numbers or other symbols being seen or heard so clearly in an unworlding experience that the practioner is able to remember the exact words upon awakening, or else at least remember having heard any exact words at all. It's relatively rare for numbers and language to be unambiguous in the Unworld, so it is a sign of relative lucidity when it does happen. Clearspeak is a member of the 'General Lucidity Triggers' category.

CLIMBING THE BEANSTALK, a.k.a. the Beanpole or Bob Monroe's 'rundown,' is a Daytime Practice you can use to keep you focused on what you're doing when lying down trying to get close to the borderline of sleep. Your Beanpole should be just interesting enough to keep you from falling asleep easily, while not interesting enough to send you off into the monkey mind. Most so-called techniques of unworlding, such as the rope trick, are not techniques of unworlding at all, which is why they don't usually work: someone sets out to use a technique to pry himself out of his body when the technique has no magical abilities at all, unless it hits the right nerve and then it might work a few times due to the placebo effect. It's important to realize that we don't have a body and unworlding is not about leaving or getting out of something (which doesn't exist anyway). All experience is a configuration on a multidimensional spectrum, so to get from this 'body' to that 'body' or from this state of consciousness to that one or from this dream place to that one, it's just a matter of tweaking a few knobs and you're there. The mechanism for doing this is not accessible to the conscious mind if you're inexperienced in lucidly unworlding, and each of the so-called techniques is just a way of keeping the conscious mind awake long enough for its usual configuration to drop off. Noticing makes it possible to realize that you are somewhere else, even someone else. Which will 'wake' most people up immediately, i.e. shoot them right back into their so-called physical body: their usual configuration. Those knobs we're tweaking have inertia, so we come back to the same place by habit. With experience, the recognition that you've lapsed into a so-called non-physical reality does not shock you back to the usual configuration, but it takes a lot of practice. The time to practice is when you're wide awake."

COMEDIANS in my dreams tends to signal impending lucidity or at least a pre-lucid condition. A sense of humor is the distinct trait of my 8ness dream body Limberluck, who has no worries, also known as the Imp which stands for 'instantly malleable personality'.

COMPRESSED AIR was going to be how I manage to save the world, since it is a source of mass-consumption solar energy, but after 37 years of this research I decided the world could use my info and just save itself, so I would have time to do unworlding before I get too old. For more information, see my website Since I was fascinated by air cars for so long, I will always dream about them. See also 'Bob Neal' who is one of the dead inventors I gave my life to.

CONSCIOUS MIND is the part of you that goes to sleep when your body does, and has non-lucid experiences in the Unworld without even knowing its name. The part of you that seems relatively unconscious while the conscious mind seems to be awake is the remote mind. The conscious mind is basically the ego (emotions, attachments, and mental habits) trying to avoid death, and generally due to overindulging itself during the day it becomes almost comatose at night. This is the mental deficiency that unworlding seeks to correct and that must be corrected in order for you to become proficient at unworlding.

CONTINUOUSLY PAYING ATTENTION is a Daytime Practice and one of the Frawmbickly Acts, the balancing of threeness or attachment vs. memory, two competing reflections of 3ness. By getting into the habit of Noticing what's going on around me and engaging all my physical senses instead of chattering to myself about junk that doesn't matter, I hope this skill might also transfer to the equally difficult process of going to sleep without giving up awareness and retaining awareness for a long time in a lucid unworlding. Also called ADA or All Day Awareness.

CRAWLING is one way of getting around in the Unworld. Flying is not the only thing we can do when unworlded. Since I've been having flying dreams my whole life, I devoted several lucid dreams to breaking the pattern of venting all my energy at once with a few seconds of soaring.

CROWN CHAKRA is the 8ness dream body, the 7th chakra, the color violet. This is the energy center of expansion from the human form outward into the Unworld. Upon escaping the human form through the crown chakra, the practitioner should be able to merge all his chakras or bodies into a single entity, the higher self or air chakra, which is the vehicle of the Miruvor or fully awakened being no longer trapped in the whirlpools of Earthville.

CWAHACOY is my personification of the 6ness dream body. 6ness can be described as noticing, appreciation, interest, enthusiasm, obsession, sexual desire, religious feelings, ecstasy, group activities, fun, etc. Cwahacoy stands for 'Crush Who Also Has A Crush On You.' Everyone has a 6ness dream body, generally of the opposite sex or whatever gender appeals to you. The feeling of being in the presence of Cwahacoy is unmistakable. Cwahacoy often appears in dreams to attract your attention and try to pull you into a more lucid plot. Sex appeal may or may not be involved, or it might start that way with the sexual interest becoming sublimated into more transcendent experiences. The overconsumption of energy by 6ness results in religious experiences without balance, addiction to peak experiences, addiction to anything pleasurable, etc. It's necessary to escape the whirlpool of 6ness, same as any other trap, so that your energy can be divided evenly among all the dream bodies. In this way, the future self can become your body of air which you can use as a vehicle for freedom.

CYNICISM is hoping to fail in order to get even with the jerks who don't believe in you. Not recommended. See also: Cut_Off_Nose_To_Spite_Face.

DANGER OF UNWORLDING There is only one known way to die physically in the Unworld, and it has to do with a place you can go, but it requires an expert unworlder to know about this place, find it, and get there. Read this account of a journey so deep that Monroe's heart almost stopped working while he was gone, in Robert Monroe's book Ultimate Journey. Kepple mentioned this phenomena several times near the end of FranksPosts but didn't reveal much about it. It's not a state one can go into by accident.

DAYTIME PRACTICES are preparatory for the real thing but can turn into the real thing spontaneously. The skills needed for unworlding are not easy to learn when your body is exhausted and your mind can't wait to drop the ball and forget. Nighttime is the worst time to learn anything because unconsciousness is needed in order for most people to rejuvenate. Daytime Practices revolve around the Frawmbickly Acts such as Blaffinveigle and Versapsect, i.e. shutting down the internal Babble and developing an attitude toward life and existence as an individual which might support rather than repel the Magical Mindset. Specific acts besides meditation and journalling include, most importantly, the Breath of Flight, Awakenings and Climbing the Beanstalk. All techniques should be practiced with a view to making them second nature so that when you get into the zone, you can robotically do the right thing and experience that conscious, controlled, extended unworlding you've always wanted. These techniques should be practiced as a dry run with no expectations. Such is Metsuke applied to the practice in general and one's attitude toward it; the balance between focus and detachment. Awakenings are also called microsleeps or little sleeps. Climbing the Beanstalk or simply practicing your 'Beanpole' refers to the sundry techniques which are supposed to pry you out of your body (and don't, unless you're ready to have that experience for some other reason). The purpose of the Beanpole is to keep your conscious mind occupied in a way that doesn't engage its usual Babble while your body becomes more and more irrelevant to what you're experiencing, so that you might lapse into so-called sleep and find yourself experiencing another place. Awakenings are similar and the two practices--Awakenings and Beanpole--will overlap. It's possible to experience a dozen or more Awakenings in one hour, and this will quickly increase your confidence in the existence of the Unworld, especially if you use the What-Just-Happened reality check in order to recall experiences outside of the usual configuration, lucid or not, which take place during little sleeps.

DEEPENING and MAINTAINING--also called stabilization--are any methods used to make the unworlding experience longer and more vivid, detailed, and realistic. Most of the techniques involve engaging more of the 5+ senses including sense of motion, or other means of participating in the action including leaving the scene and creating a different one or changing some part of the scene or a dream character. The most obvious way to start deepening and maintaining once you realize you're unworlded is to start touching things, looking briefly at different parts of the scene, and according to the principle of Metsuke, keeping an even keel, not focusing too much on any one thing, and keeping a panoramic viewpoint.

DENORMOPIA is the loss of identification with the usual conscious mind and physical world memories, loss of connection from thought to thought, and loss of logicality/orderliness in the thought process. This loss of lucidity allows the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World to dissolve into a disassociated dreamworld where nothing matters. Denormopia is a signal that an unworlder will watch for, knowing that within seconds after Noticing the first illogical thought appear, he could slip into unconsciousness without warning. Watching for this illogicality of thinking is as easy as any technique and easier than most, so it should be practiced with enthusiasm as it should help to build the skill needed to go through the Urumara with full consciousness.

DETACHMENT is a balanced 3ness, since attachment or joining together of separate things is 3ness and since we humans take attachments to an extreme. In particular, a phenomenon or skill called Metsuke is the balancing of focus and detachment which helps practitioners hold an image for a longer time when learning to interact with images in altered states of consciousness. An obsession with detachment, on the other hand, might be called apathy.

DEILD or Dream-Exit-Induced Lucid Dream is the act of waking up from a dream, remaining as motionless as possible while keeping the mind quiet, and going back to sleep quickly while reviewing the last dream you had or another pre-planned dream scene. The result is almost always a dream with content similar to the one you kept in mind while going back to sleep, and experienced unworlders claim a high rate of lucidity from this routine also. I believe that the universal power of Chaining or 3ness is the active ingredient of DEILD, so I just call it Chaining.

DILD or dream-induced-lucid-dream is a lucid unworlding which starts from a non-lucid unworlding. DILD is not a technique, for example, like MILD or FILD; it's a starting place like WILD or DEILD. DILD starts from a dream, WILD starts from a waking state, and DEILD starts from having just woken up.

DIRECT METHOD of unworlding or phasing as termed by Michael Raduga is the same thing as WILD or wake-induced-lucid-dreaming. This is when you get unworlded from a waking state, while in contrast, for example, DILD is getting unworlded from a non-lucid dream state and DEILD--Raduga's indirect method--is getting unworlded from a dream exit, or having just woken up. WILD takes longer to learn for most people than the other unworlding techniques but the basic skills are the same, it's the starting place that's different. As with any other starting-place, mindset takes precedence over method. Once it's mastered, WILD is the easiest and most natural method since it doesn't rely on chance as much as getting unworlded from the dream state. Those who have taken the trouble to learn WILD usually find it the most reliable place to start from, while many also report that the experience is more vivid and satisfying. Like most or all of the techniques, WILD is said to more likely get results if practiced after some restful sleep instead of at bedtime. However, my first WILD took place ten minutes after I lay down, on a night when my body was subject to REM rebound due to sleep deprivation. I have seldom practiced WILD when I am supposed to--in the wee hours--because I find it easier to achieve the right balance of sleepfulness and wakefulness if I go to bed early than if I wake up early. But most important is unbending enthusiasm.

DISCOMFORT of the physical body in choice of sleeping position should be adjusted so that you're comfortable enough to go to sleep, but uncomfortable enough to remain vigilant instead of dropping off into a deep sleep. Mental discomfort as well as physical discomfort, depending on the level of discomfort, the situation, and the individual, can also result in vigilance. For example, sleeping in a bed, chair, position, building or room you aren't used to sleeping in can act like a sort of soft alarm clock, keeping the conscious mind from going to sleep all the way.

DO SOMETHING when you find yourself unworlded. You should have an Intent Agenda well in place before you go to sleep, and you should write it in your dream journal regularly so you will remember it when you need to. Trying to remember what you were supposed to do doesn't usually go too well, because the conscious mind functions in a slimmed-down version in the Unworld in order to share awareness with the other members of the Soul Retinue. Sitting around thinking will usually land you back in the Nowhere thinking you've woken up in your bed. If you can't remember your Intent Agenda, don't worry about it, just start moving around and looking at things in brief glances.

DON JUAN MATUS In Castaneda's books, Juan Matus is the full name of Carlos' teacher whom he usually calls 'don Juan'. The word 'don' preceding a name is a title of respect for males in the Spanish language. It is widely thought that don Juan was more or less fictional.

DOUBLENESS It was dreaming coach Patricia Garfield who first pointed out in her classic book Creative Dreaming that our dream scenes are often tinged by a sense of doubleness, the feeling that we have already done something and are now doing it again. This is probably the same thing as deja vu, and my guess is that when we dream, our parallel selves in the parallel worlds closest to us will be having very similar dreams. Sometimes a dreamer will remember more than one version of the same dream, making it impossible to record the dream in a logical time frame without cheating and imposing one. This just means we can and do dream more than one version of the same basic theme 'simultaneously,' although using time words to describe things that happen outside of time is kinda hopeless. Robert Monroe wrote about being given dream assignments in which he would be given a problem to solve in a dream, and each time he solved it wrong, his memory would be blanked temporarily and he would start over, repeating the lesson till he got it right. This sounds to me like he has forced a narrative description on what happens to all of us--basically a kind of deja vu in the Unworld--with his predilection for interpreting everything as schoolish in some way. My opinion is that doubleness and deja vu are just slippings out of time into a perspective that can view a timeline from outside. See J. W. Dunne.

DREAM BED is a special place to perform unworldings. I am told that recliners are the best, but there's also something to be said for not developing dependencies without which one has a reverse placebo effect lying to him and telling him how hard it is to get unworlded.

DREAM BODIES are personifications of the energy centers or chakras. There is a body corresponding to each of the Seven harmonics of awareness 2ness through 8ness, as well as the body of air or the higher self which corresponds to 9ness. These are the overtones of awareness or oneness, and it's convenient to call them 'bodies' since they can be personified as entities in dreams and other unworldings, either as your own dream body having the first person perspective, or one of your other dream bodies in an OBE which you can merge with and separate from, or as dream characters. The goal is to merge the Seven which synthesizes the transcendent air chakra, the mythical 8th chakra, the Miruvor, and use that body of air as a vehicle to freedom.

DREAM JOURNAL is a prerequisite for most people in order to wake up the dream bodies and get them organized and watching out for each others' common interest, which is lucidity. Being able to Pay Attention Continuously while the physical reality is shut down doesn't happen automatically because we go to sleep for a reason and we assume that our minds will not be needed til we wake up. By keeping a detailed journal of everything that can be remembered from the night's unworlding activities, lucid or not, the dream bodies are put on notice that their comings and going are of interest to each other. Sensing the potential of merging into one being--the Miruvor--they get focused on this task. When you keep a dream journal, your dream recall improves dramatically, along with the vividness of your dreams, the coherency and relevance of the plots and symbols, even the lucidity of the other characters in the dream, because for the most part these characters are your dream bodies interacting with each other.

DREAM OF THE DAY is a method I thought up for staying in the dream recall business while I was temporarily burned out on the whole idea of dream journalling: choose a single dream scene from the previous night's unworldings and recall it with single-pointed focus, over and over during the day. This was supposed to replace dream journalling, and it worked as long as I remained enthusiastic, but the sheer bulk of the experiences that I was ignoring and forgetting kinda got to me, as well as the fact that the method no longer had any benefit to me once I lost my initial enthusiasm for it, which is typical with new techniques due to the Placebo Effect. I have now returned to Dream Recall itself as the goal, and any way of making that happen is OK. I consider Dream Recall the most important part of my practice.

DREAM RECALL is hard for people who don't practice unworlding because we remember experiences we have in configuration z while we're in configuration z, but when we return to configuration 'make money, go to work, feed kids, get laid' etc., somehow dream recall suffers mightily. The solution is to keep a dream journal, read it, transcribe it, study it, classify it, read it again, type it again, and most of all, upon awakening, go over every detail of your dreams. Expert unworlders can also tell their experiences to other dream characters before waking up. Lack of dream recall is a symptom of lack of interest in the Unworld. It's OK to take a break from unworlding, and if you stop recording your dreams altogether, you probably will take a break from unworlding.

DREAM USHER is your fiveness dream body, also called the heart chakra, which in Synfonemia is the fourth overtone. The Dream Usher is often experienced as a place or a state of being with many names such as the Nowhere, the Void, the 3D Blackness, etc. It is the way out of the prison of earth life, despite the automatic fear that it seems to engender on sight. It is the intermediate state that leads to all other states, thus the glue that holds alternate realities together. The Dream Usher is the personification of the Nowhere. As the guide to anywhere, it is the center of our being, and often pops up at the end of a dream before we wake up in the Nowhere ready for the next dream.

DREAMS are unworldings. Non-lucid dreams are non-lucid unworldings. Lucid dreams are lucid unworldings. Life is a dream; for most people it's a long, ultra-recurrent, non-lucid dream heavily influenced by consensus reality. I say that life, as a dream, is generally non-lucid because we generally don't realize we're dreaming, but this varies from person to person and from time to time. At one time I wanted to find a word to replace the word 'dream' but gave up on that.

DRY RUN is a practice of Metsuke in which you do a method such as Vac-U-Move with no attachment to results (not emotional about whether or not immediate unworlding results) while fully occupying the Moment, taking full responsibility for what you have decided to do with your time, and enjoying the experience for its own sake. In this way, you can teach yourself how one might behave when you do find yourself in the zone and ripe for unworlding, instead of worrying about whether you're getting your money's worth or not, for the time spent in practice. As a practice of Metsuke, approaching techniques as a dry run is not apathy, but rather a balance of focus and detachment which leads to the ability to see the big picture. Otherwise you wouldn't know a sweet spot if it slapped you in the face.

DRY SPELL is the length of time between noteworthy unworldings. It's a term I don't like, but I haven't replaced it yet. It's OK to refer to a dry spell of the past, but to say that you are currently having a dry spell is not a good idea, especially if you are counting the days, weeks, or months that the dry spell has lasted. This is the wrong attitude. I have no proof for this, it's just an intuitive hunch. For one thing, all dreams are unworldings, but with less lucidity. So to say you're in a dry spell indicates a lack of appreciation, which means you need to turn up the 6ness in your practice and stop thinking so much.

EARTHVILLE is a cosmic mental institution where individuals not suited for freedom in the universe at large the Unworld are able to freely explore the human form instead. Also known as the 2-3-4 Mind/Body/World because the solid, time-ordered reality we return to upon each Awakening from the Unworld is addicted to overconsumption of energy and thus functions as a trap, a series of whirlpools that traps our Attention. There is a reason for the Earthville thought prison to exist. In the Unworld, uncontrolled thoughts and emotions immediately manifest as your environment, your reality setting, so if you think about a monster attacking you, a monster will attack you. But here in Earthville our thoughts don't manifest instantly because we are trapped together with a great many other individuals and solidity here is a matter of agreement among many intersecting worlds. This is all motivated by the panicked condition of the 2-3-4 who thinks it must monopolize as much energy as it can find for use in sustaining solidity, or else it--the individual--will no longer exist. Therefore, due to time, solidity, and identity being turned up so high that our 5ness body or Flow can't get its hands on our energy, we are prisoners of our own conscious minds until we irreversibly retrain our conscious mind to share its hoarded energy with 5ness so that 5ness can do its job, as the Dream Usher and the heart chakra and the center of our being, by redistributing our energy evenly among all seven dream bodies. When this is finally accomplished, the 9ness dream body, our higher self, is synthesized into the body of air, our vehicle of freedom. Thus we are fortunately imprisoned here by our thoughts because outside of this place is no place for prisoners of their thoughts to be. We wouldn't like being imprisoned in the Unworld, which is exactly what Earthville is: a prison within the Unworld, literally an offshoot of the Unworld. So our goal is to become Prisoners Nowhere, or Miruvors.

EUPHORIA in dreams is evidence of a strong connection or merging with 6ness, of which appreciation, enjoyment, and Noticing are reflections. It's possible to feel no euphoria in an unworlding or after one, but this is rare, especially for beginners, unless the lucidity is very tenuous.

EXIT is the experience of seeing, feeling or otherwise sensing yourself leaving your physical body and/or merging with a dream body. This is the classic interpretation of unworlding. The sensation makes such an impression on people that unworlding has been divided into two categories of phenomena, the out-of-body experience or OBE which includes a conscious exit, and the lucid dream which doesn't.

THE EIGHTH CHAKRA is my newest synonym for the higher self, the future self, the body of air, the 9ness body, 9ness, the 8th overtone of reality, the 9th harmonic of awareness, the Miruvor, etc. Since this body is really the synthesis of the seven chakras working in cooperation with each other, I'd guess that the so-called physical body is created by the seven chakras not working in harmony with each other, that is, with the 2-3-4 combo hogging most of the energy.

ELEMENTS OF REALITY is another name for harmonics of awareness. Like water, which breaks down into the elements hydrogen and oxygen, reality is composed of elemental notions which then combine and recombine in complex patterns to form a reality which is made of thoughts.

EMOTION is a reflection of 2ness. In general, emotion is a difference between one's should and one's is, and the intensity of the emotion is the amplitude of that difference. All emotion is a form of fear. If it's not based on fear, 'emotion' is the wrong word for it.

ENERGY DRINK or energizing liquid nourishment is straight from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, where it was called 'Miruvor'. I accidentally adopted this term as a composite of 'mirror warrior' when I needed a name for the future self or higher self or ideal transcendant version of the practitioner. So in my books, Miruvor can have two meanings, depending on context.

FABRIC OF THE UNIVERSE is awareness because everything is made of awareness and only awareness is real. Awareness is also called pure awareness, Source, the Tao, Oneness, God, infinity, etc. I say "universes " (plural) because it's obvious to anyone who's paying attention that an individual can only perceive his own universe, which is evidence enough that we all exist in our own separate universe. Your universe and mine only intersect, they don't necessarily share any more reality than what they co-perceive during and due to interaction. The fact that your universe and mine are separate is the basis of the notion that death is a mental invention to explain someone's disappearance and/or expiration from your universe, but you, as an individual, don't die or cease to exist based on what we think we perceive about other peoples' tendency to wear out and go away.

FALSE AWAKENINGS are not really false, but they are awakenings from dream to dream, with either, both or neither dream being lucid. Like awakening into your physical bed, a false awakening represents a trip through the Urumara, the borderline between sleep and waking, non-lucid and lucid, lucid and more lucid, etc. When you realize that 'waking up in bed' is always a false awakening, then you are a Miruvor and ready to make your get-away.

FAMILIARITY is a Fogjogger in unworldings designed to make you lucid or more lucid. It is a reflection of 3ness since 3ness is about memory, similarity, likeness, attraction, attachment. In the Unworld we tend to remember people, places and events because we resonate with them. We are all a reincarnation of everybody, since there is only one soul, and since memory, likeness, and attraction are all reflections of 3ness, there is no important difference between remembering some stranger in a dream and being drawn to them for any conceivable reason.

FIELD EFFECT is still another way that the Dream Usher or heart chakra or the Nowhere appears in unworldings. Any extended area of homogeneous visual effect, large or small, can represent an experience or confrontation with the Nowhere. This can include a wall, a floor, rug, ceiling, sheet of plywood, side of a building, lawn, field, sheet of glass or water, a window, an aquarium, a glass jar full of little beads, etc. Additionally, staring at a field of any kind can help induce direct experience of the field effect as a form of Metsuke. Defocus the gaze and use a panoramic point-of-view, and nothing can be turned into anything.

FILD or Fingerwiggling-Induced Lucid Dreaming is a form of Chaining since the finger motion used while going to sleep is so small that the intention to wiggle the fingers overrides the physical motion, and this intention carries over into the unworlded state. If you've trained yourself to ask yourself 'What Just Happened?' upon awakening from small lapses of sleep, you can experience many remarkable phantom wiggles (Michael Raduga's term) and Jerks and/or 'hypnagogic twitches' when practicing FILD. Like DEILD this technique is said by unworlders to trigger an unusually large number of lucid episodes.

FLYING AIR GAME is an attitude toward the practice of learning unworlding which tries to see components of the practice in a balanced light by recognizing the seriousness of the endeavor of discovering step-by-step how to escape the Earthville Mental Institution in a self-made Body of Air. The game is taken seriously by the practitioner's trying to win; while taking it all with a grain of salt and a sense of humor and recognizing that we are ultimately not prisoners of time or belief systems. This leads back to the balancer of all belief systems: the universe is not broken and we are pure awareness which cannot be damaged. The term 'flying air' is borrowed from a new principle of physics discovered by the same person who renamed OBE and lucid dreaming 'unworlding': me. The Flying Air principle of physics states that the same semi-miraculous phenomena that account for birds and bees being able to fly and fish to swim efficiently can be taken advantage of by humans designing air compressing equipment. The result, when I finish my work, will be a self-filling air tank and a free range air car, thanks to the fact that the earth's atmosphere is a giant tank of air compressed by gravity and the sun.

FLYING DREAMS are dreams of transcending the prison of the human form. Dreaming of flying or riding in a machine or any kind of conveyance is symbolic of this. All these vehicles are symbolic of the experience you are having of being merged with dream bodies whose abilities transcend those of your typically trapped solid body. Generally there is no distinction between you and the vehicle, as your body and the vehicle it rides in are symbols of the same thing.

FOCUS 10 is Robert Monroe's name for what he also calls 'mind awake, body asleep'. This is a pre-transition or pre-Urumara zone which I liken to the last part of the Tunnel in which Spontaneous Noticing of images can occur. I don't recall learning from Monroe's books or TMI manuals that one can re-enter the Tunnel, by going backwards through the Urumara, without physically waking up. This is non-REM or NREM sleep and the charactaristic unworldings of this type of experience will be thought dreams, or dream plots with little or no visual and other sensory component. It's also unlikely that REM atonia (experienced consciously by some as sleep paralysis) will be in effect during non-REM sleep.

FOCUS 21 is Robert Monroe's name for the Nowhere or the void, the door to anywhere. The Nowhere is also the heart chakra, which is the central member of the chakra family and thus the center of our being. The Nowhere is also 5ness, the fifth harmonic of awareness a.k.a. the 4th chakra or the fourth overtone of awareness. The color of the Nowhere in dream symbology is often green, such as a green wall, door, or carpet. I often experience the Nowhere as beige, gray, white or black. Clouds or fog or large homogeneous surfaces such as a sheet of plywood painted white or a concrete wall. Screens, mirrors, sky, picture windows. Shiny things.

FOGJOGGER is a phenomenon that tends to get us lucid, such as odd or out of place things, anything that makes us wonder and question, detailed interactions or reading material or pictures; also called General Lucidity Triggers or lucidity cues. As opposed to Personal Lucidity Objects which might make me lucid but have no meaning to you. In either the personal or general category, the level of lucidity can be either indicated or caused to increase, so the trigger could be just a gauge or both a gauge and a catalyst. I think the best term for this category is catalyst but lucidity cues is commonly used.

FORCED FALLING ASLEEP is one of Michael Raduga's many contributions to the field of unworlding. It's a practice whereby you pretend you're falling asleep very quickly for a few seconds, and then carry on with whatever other induction you're doing. It has the tendency of augmenting the power of any method that follows it, so you should use it if you lack confidence momentarily. Just pretend to go to sleep for a few seconds, and then mentally turn around and intend to stay at the borderline of sleep instead of disappearing over the horizon. If unworlding is the train, and you get the feeling you've just missed the train, forced falling asleep is the ticket. It's like a magical binoculars that helps you catch up with--for example--a retreating REM state that you botched when you woke up by moving around too much.

FORGETTORY is like memory, and is just as useful. I'll let you try and figure out what it is, as its meaning has apparently slipped my mind and landed in more fertile soil.

FRACTIONAL GRADUATED INDUCTION is a term in hypnosis referring to the practice of taking the subject to a light trance, bringing him part of the way out, then taking him deeper, bringing him part of the way out, taking him deeper, and repeating all this over and over to eventually induce a very deep trance. There is no difference between unworlding and self-hypnosis, so serious students of unworlding might learn more from studying master hypnotists like Milton Erickson than by studying the repetitive literature on OBE and lucid dreams.

FRAWMBICKLE or Frawmbickly Act is a non-routine act that requires effort in order to overcome interia. Compare this with a Frumbessle which is an act that is done automatically under the power of inertia or habit. The purpose of making an effort is to break out of the Earthville prison or the human form.

FREEDOM is not what we think it is. It is certainly not privacy. It is certainly not unending indulgence. When you learn what freedom is, and what it's good for, you might be the first to know.

FROTH (THE) is a place on the map of mental states that is equivalent to Earthville or the 2-3-4 Mind/Body/World, i.e. the conscious mind with its babbling monkey mind internal dialog. In order to enter the Tunnel that leads to the Urumara and thence to the Unworld, you have to leave the Froth behind, that is, stop talking to yourself. You can't Notice images if you won't leave the Froth behind. The Froth can also be seen as the planetary version of the individual's personal internal chatter. Robert Monroe said he experienced this while unworlding and called it the H Band noise. He had to get through it quickly in order to visit deeper parts of the Unworld. I experienced something similar as a child with chronic insomnia. I learned that when I started to hear the ceaseless chatter of an infinite crowd of human voices, I was about to fall asleep.

FRUMBESSLE (THE) or Frumbessly Acts are routine, thus relatively effortless actions taken out of habit. Frumbessling has its own inertia or momentum; it requires effort to interrupt what we normally would have done anyway in order to plunge into the unknown in spite of the fear and loathing that this might represent to the cowardly conscious mind. The hard work of breaking free of habits that own you is to be considered an investment, as energy is not destroyed; in some cases, this energy is stored and becomes available later when you need it, because you can generate Frawmbickly momentum, which is the opposite of Frumbessly momentum. Since learning to unworld at will is hard for most people, requiring power over one's mental habits, one method of unworlding is to tackle one's addictions, whatever they might be. This should normally be done one addiction at a time, unemotionally for the most part, and having infinite patience, knowing that it is not the habit itself that makes unworlding inaccessible, but the weakness sustained by walking through your day with the crutch of routine bearing you up most of the time.

FUNDAMENTAL vibration or tone is the frequency or pitch for which the vibration is named. In music it would be the lowest pitch of the complex sound heard and the loudest of the harmonics. For example, a piano string makes a complex tone, but it's named after the fundamental such as 'middle C' because the pitch of middle C is the loudest sound you hear. The fundamental is only the first harmonic of the tone. Tone quality differs due to varying volumes of the different harmonics. This is why an oboe and a flute sound so different, yet metaphysics has all but ignored harmonics while talking about vibrations all the time.

GAMING THEORY of unworlding might relate to unworlding in at least three ways: 1) the literal belief that we are prisoners of the human form due to diabolical treachery like the movie Matrix, 2) the analogy of our quantum physics world resembling a video game as taught by Tom Campbell, and 3) my viewpoint which is that life is a game called Flying Air which involves making the right moves and trying to win, i.e. escape from the Earthville Mental Institution where we are temporarily retained by our own habitual configurations and for our good until we learn how to control our vehicles adequately to navigate the Unworld with some degree of volition and control.

GENERAL LUCIDITY TRIGGER is a phenomenon that tends to get us lucid, such as odd or out of place things, anything that makes us wonder and question, detailed interactions or reading material or pictures, anything of a general nature, also called Fogjoggers or lucidity cues. As opposed to Personal Lucidity Objects which might make me lucid but have no meaning to you. In either the personal or general category, the level of lucidity can be either indicated or caused to increase, so the trigger could be just a gauge or both a gauge and a trigger. I think the best term for this category is catalyst but lucidity cues is commonly used.

GLANCE OF GRACE is an event celebrated by some ancient traditions such as Sikhism in which the guru can induce a transcendent experience in the disciple just by looking at him. In my experience, my higher self, when I encounter him during a dream or other unworlding, tends to be close-lipped but every subtle expression on his face entrances me.

GRALTHY is a Frawmbickly Act, the balancing of expansion. Gralthification deals with the human need to accumulate and climb and gather by learning how to do it in a relaxed, detached way vs. the screeching neediness of the perfectionist or self-improvement addict who doesn't realize or appreciate that we have our ups and downs, and should, and need to. While Gralthy is a positive force, it doesn't try to delete negativity from the world, knowing that positive plus negative makes the world go 'round. Gathering momentum toward achieving our goal, i.e. gralthifying a miruvorning vroombelleration, is not the only thing we do, because that wouldn't work. A one-dimensional life doesn't fit a multi-dimensional goal. The rebound effect of all-out obsession is obnoxious to all who must witness and experience it, and the collateral damage is vast. Gralthy is somewhere between spiritual materialism and giving up; as far from these extremes as possible; thus, what we are really gathering is equilibrium.

GRATITUDE is an intensification of 6ness, which is in equilibrium at Noticing, increases to appreciation, gratitude, and escalates up to various levels of obsession. 6ness should be plain enjoyment without becoming the energy-wasting bottomless pit of addiction to a person, place, thing, sensation or activity.

GRAVITY The reason scientists can't figure out what causes gravity is that they take themselves too seriously. All kidding aside, gravity is just 3ness, the tendency of things to come together. Since 3ness is also solidity, physicality, and memory, no other explanation is needed.

GREEN Bright neon lime green in my dreams, as well as miscellaneous shades of green, are often associated with the Dream Usher, who is the personification of the Nowhere a.k.a. the heart chakra or 5ness, the power of Intent to create change.

GREEN ROOM is the first part of the Projection Room, before exiting the Tunnel through the Urumara. In the Green Room you will see images very distinctly including Screenshots. On the other side of the Urumara in the Projection Room proper you will also hear aurages, feel feelages, slippages, movages, etc. The Projection Room is a reflection of fiveness, the heart chakra, and like the heart, it is a two-part pumping mechanism with an intake chamber--the Green Room--and a discharge chamber--the Projection Room proper. This mechanism is what pumps you through the Urumara if you get close enough to it or pushes you back to Earthville if it's time for the unworlding to end. That's why there's a point of no return as you get too close to the Urumara and literally fall into the Unworld, which is why we are said to 'fall' asleep, complete with the Vertigo felt as large amounts of energy are physically felt being distributed to the Remote Mind.

GUIDE is a dream character that should, in my opinion, be considered one of your dream bodies, a conglomeration of your dream bodies or members of your soul retinue, or even your higher self, which is a harmonized conglomerate of all your dream bodies. Same thing as spirit guide, guardian angel, etc. Since we are all of a single soul or oneness (pure awareness), there's no advantage in seeing ourselves as separate from other people. We are each reincarnations of everybody else. A guide might take on a persona with a purpose such as my brown dog friend Smudgely whose task is to try and get me lucid. Such guides are conglomerates of our own energies and energy configurations, such as the silent companion who accompanies me in almost all dreams but is rarely seen just noticed as a presence.

HANDS Remembering to see your hands and/or rub your hands together when you find yourself unworlded or on the verge of becoming unworlded is one of the most common tactics among beginning unworlders for the simple reason that our hands are one of the most common sightings in our physical experience. Using the hands for a lucidity cue was popularized by Carlos Castaneda.

HARMONIC--in wave sciences such as acoustics--is one of any number of tones which are produced simultaneously by the founding tone, i.e. the fundamental or the first harmonic. The energy for sounding the harmonics or overtones all comes from the fundamental. The 'second overtone' is another term for the 'third harmonic' etc. The 2nd harmonic is twice the frequency or twice as high-pitched as the 1st harmonic. The 3rd harmonic is three times higher than the 1st harmonic, etc. Piano tuners somehow adjust the tension of over 300 stiff steel wires to sound good together by listening to harmonics within the tones of two notes at the same time, and setting the frequency of a resulting interference wave or beat made by two different frequencies interacting.

HARMONICS OF AWARENESS is a system of philosophy known also as Synfonemia  which purports to break all of human reality down into harmonics instead of dimensions since the universe we know is said to be based on vibrations, and harmonics tend to exist based on any kind of fundamental vibration. The fundamental is oneness and the second harmonic or first overtone is twoness, etc. It then remains to define the special twist given to pure awareness or oneness by each succeeding harmonic or mode of awareness.

HIGHER SELF is a composite of your seven dream bodies or chakras or the seven overtones of awareness, merged into a single entity. This is not just a paste-up job, it is a complex bit of metaphysical multi-tasking that seldom holds true for long, and when it does, the entity, whose perspective you then can share, has total freedom to go anywhere in the Unworld and do anything you want. Other names for the higher self include the future self, since this synthesis of your harmonics is potentially you if you ever develop the ability to cooperate with yourself and make key sacrifices at the right time while learning to look at the big picture when making decisions and change goals correctly and as often as is needed. Another name I use for the higher self is 'the body of air' vs. the body of meat. Another name is 'the Miruvor' vs. the practitioner, the Miruvor being a realized practitioner who has learned everything that's needed in order to maintain existence in a totally free condition. The higher self is an elusive and fleeting condition or state of being in which all seven dream bodies or chakras cooperate with each other for the greater good, the result being a vehicle that your Attention can ride to freedom. Theoretically this could be possible permanently, but also theoretically such freedom would take place outside of any rigid time structure, so time words like 'permanently' would not be applicable.

HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE The notion that the universe is a hologram or like a hologram is appealing. My way of saying this, in short, is that 'Everything is a symbol of everything else.' One interesting feature of holographic film is that the entire picture is encapsulated in every piece of the film; even if you cut it up with scissors, each piece will still project the whole picture, just with less definition. For the whole story see the free videos at Holographic Universe Video.

HYPNAGOGIC TWITCH OR JERK is an involuntary twitch we experience as we are falling asleep. It's hard to tell whether the body part that's twitching is the physical body or another dream body. If I Pay Attention, I find that it usually starts in the dream body and creates motion of the physical dream body also. I've had Awakenings when I recalled a dream body making a gesture toward me, anything from a kick to a nod, that resulted in my slamming into the physical configuration almost violently. I have renamed this phenomenon the Jerk. This is one of the Noticings we have to learn about by Paying Attention, so it is also called a Wigglage, or as termed by Michael Raduga, a phantom wiggle. 4, 5,

HYPNAGOGIC, HYPNAGOGIA Hypnagogic images are seen whenever you close your eyes and step out of the Froth, but you have to learn how to Notice them. Some unworlding teachers consider them 'just noise' or another form of mental babble, i.e. just more Froth, but to many, these images are a doorway to the Unworld. The 'just noise' camp is trying to tell us that hypnagogia is not the goal, a valid enough point, but to call it noise is misleading, the perspective of an expert who has forgotten that most people need to practice being beginners before they can just start tossing things out. The Noticings or images become more distinct and self-sustaining as you proceed deeper into the Tunnel, and once you enter the Projection Room, they take on a life of their own. By interacting with the Noticings it's possible to get sucked through the Urumara straight into the Nowhere, so some preach that paying attention to the images will just 'put you to sleep,' but in that case what's needed is more practice maintaining stability of Attention at and around the Urumara. The key to using the images as a tool for transition is Metsuke, the act and art of balancing focus with detachment. I prefer to not use the term 'hypnagogic' as it is not descriptive enough. The term Noticings works for me, and its various subtypes include images, aurages, feelages, movages, slippages, deliriages etc. Any of the supposedly physical senses can convey non-physical information on the way to the Unworld, not just in the Unworld proper; that's how you know you're on the way. The g in hypnagogic is supposed to be pronounced like a j.

IDENT is a term invented by Robert Monroe. He discovered that you can find a person you know in the Unworld by sniffing out their ident, which is sort of like a psychic footprint. Places in the Unworld are states, and each discrete state also has an ident. To return to a state or place in the Unworld, recall the feeling of that place.

IDIOT'S GUIDE TO IDIOCY Don't take this personally, you fool! I'm just trying to filter out self-absorbed nitwits whose sense of dignity overrides their so-called sense of humor. And I happen to like the way it sounds: 'Idiot's Guide to Idiocy...'   how it plays upon my lips! Seriously though, the technical term for an 'idiot' in the field of unworlding is 'idiossitard,' which refers to someone who believes what he's told by the Voice of Idiossification, therefore making no progress due to thinking only of how much progress he is not making.

IMP or instantly malleable personality is a balanced 8ness body. This is about relaxation, freedom, cooperation or the final whirlpool to escape from in order to synthesize the Miruvor or Body of Air.

INCUBATING a dream scene is a type of Chaining. What's being Chained is earthwhile imaginings to unworlding experiences. Since we tend to effortlessly dream about what we think about all day, the goal is to think about what you want to dream about instead of thinking about stupid stuff you can't do anything about anyway. The nice thing about the Unworld is that if you accidentally incubate a monster, chances are you can dissolve it with a mental effort, the same way you gave birth to it. Our dream bodies enjoy entertaining us with the exact things we've been trying so hard to incubate while we fastidiously ignore them and go out of our way to explain them away.

INDIRECT method as termed by Michael Raduga, author of The Phase, is the act of unworlding immediately upon waking up after a period of sleep. This is by far the easiest time to get unworlded, since the practitioner is probably about half unworlded already, i.e. in a REM state. My first two conscious unworldings from a conscious state in my bed were due to intensive practice according to Raduga's instructions for the indirect method.

INFINITY is oneness, pure awareness, existence, Reality Itself; undefinable, indivisible, etc. I first discovered infinity as a young boy forced to sit through 50-minute-long church services whose highlight, the sermon, was the least interesting part of the proceedings and gave me plenty of time to ask myself how the heck I got here and what could possibly be done about it. In an effort to figure out how to define infinity, it became obvious that this was impossible because if it can't be measured and it has no boundaries, then by definition it has no definition. Paradox is thus built into our reality and it can't be gotten rid of. Paradox creates the world by splitting the indivisible whole into parts, we wake up screaming bloody murder in blind panic and 'life' proceeds from that point until we get it figured out. What we consider to be death is an illusion, because it only happens to others. We cannot die. As Frank Kepple so aptly put it, 'You are as dead as you are ever going to be.'

INNER SOUND CURRENT or 'the Sounds' are considered tinnitus by the medical establishment, so some unworlders recommend not paying attention to them, because always being distracted by the Sounds is a bad habit. The Sounds are always there. They are usually covered up by other sounds. They are the sound made by 2ness creating the world on an ongoing basis. To me, they sound like a high-pitched electrical sizzle. As a child with insomnia, I learned how to hear the Sounds as a cacaphony of people all talking at the same time, none of the words distinguishable. When I could make this happen, I knew I would be asleep soon. So the Sounds are one of the constants in our world which we rarely notice except in the transition zone between waking and sleeping, the Urumara. The OM of ancient tradition is the same thing as the Inner Sound Current which turns infinite awareness into the limited perception we call 'the world'. In Sikhism, the same can be said for their 'one God' slogan Eck Ong Kaar  which translates literally as 'oneness sounding form' into existence. The singer Snatum Kaur has a beautiful song called 'Ek Ong Kaar'. A religious organization built around unworlding was named Eckankar, which is the same thing spelled differently. Nada Yoga is a contemplation practice in which the meditator can eventually turn the Sounds into any manner of noise or music. In practice, if you Notice the Sounds suddenly getting stronger, you are close to the Urumara, so pay attention.

INTENT is an absolute, in fact it is another facet of fiveness or the Nowhere itself. There is no necessary correlation between one's intentions and one's Intent. While we can usually say what we 'intended' based on whatever we like to tell ourselves that we think we want, what happens is a 100% accurate reflection of our true Intent. And yet we don't often know what we Intend until it happens, while we're able to go on and on about what we 'intended' to have happen even though it happened differently. True Intent is the power to make something really happen, so it is always capitalized, while lower-case intention or intent refers to the standard muddy human emotional whim.

INTENT AGENDA is your plan of action, what you plan to do once you find yourself unworlded. Wondering about this only when you get there is a day late and a dollar short. Your Intent Agenda should be one of the last things you think about when you close your eyes to go to sleep. It's even better to write it in your dream journal repeatedly.

INTEREST and enthusiasm, or 6ness, are prerequisite to getting unworlded unless you're one of those people who get bumped into the unworld at the slightest nudge. All the techniques in the world, repeated endlessly, won't get you anywhere but bored with the topic. A good way to get out of the doldrums is to give up unworlding completely for a period of days, weeks, or months. This will allow the Dream Usher to reconfigure your motivational structure and you can get a fresh start when you're ready to really want this experience.

INTERNAL DIALOG We build a world for ourselves using the internal dialog as one of the tools. The internal dialog is also called the monkey mind in general, while the Babble of the human race as a whole is called the Froth. The ability to stop the internal dialog, an act which I call Blaffinveigle, is the most important task a practitioner can take on.

INTRUDER ALERT is evident from first person or third person perspective. In the vicinity of the Urumara (point of entry into the Nowhere), fear of intrusion can be extreme. People experiencing sleep paralysis often feel so strongly that there is an intruder that hallucinations of such an entity will ensue. In non-lucid dreams, the Dream Usher (personification of the Nowhere) is often treated with fear and loathing, as an intruder. Also in various unworldings both lucid and non-lucid, the unworlder will find himself and dream partners (members of his Soul Retinue) intruding where they do not belong. All of this is caused by changes to the typical configuration that defines who the individual is. By trading in part of the energy normally hoarded by 2ness (identity) and giving it to the Dream Usher (5ness) for redistribution to the Uppers, and thus becoming able to get unworlded, the practitioner becomes unfixed as to his own identity. This is the cause of the intruder Alert outlined above. When one's typical identity overlaps its usual boundaries, that is a violation of the ego. Members of his Soul Retinue become visible and might be perceived as a threat, since the ego of the beginner is easily threatened. As beginners, we don't know the difference between the death of the ego (identity) and the death of the whole being. The whole being is just pure awareness. When the Dream Usher manages to redistribute the finite energy of an infinite being, the result can be confusion with blame going to whatever happens to stand out from the norm. The Intruder Alert should be seen as an opportunity for becoming lucid, a Fogjogger or General Lucidity Trigger.

INVENTOR is my 2ness dream body, the personification of my root chakra, the 2nd harmonic of awareness, which creates me by providing me with an identity separate from infinity. The inventor is of interest to me personally since I've studied inventors all my life, whereas your 2ness dream body would probably be personified differently. The root chakra is our creator and a major energy grabber, so there's no way toget unworlded without getting the 2ness dream body to slim down its energy usage and let go, allowing its normally hoarded energy to rise up to the higher chakras where it is needed. In my case, the task of the Inventor is to reallocate what might otherwise be emotional excess so that the energy is not wasted.

KARMA as taught by ancient Tibetan Bon Buddhism is just the eternal chain of cause and effect. Western new age philosophers have endowed karma with the western notion of reward and punishment, which is just an offshoot of capitalism (institutionalized greed), which in turn is a result of living in cold places where survival is all about making a three-month growing season provide food for a twelve-month year. As for its metaphysical meaning, your karma can go to heaven and hell based on your emotions and beliefs, but emotions and beliefs are two-dimensional reflections that do not possess awareness. No one suffers eternally for anything anyone ever did. But the notion that such a strange thing might be true... still sells books, because we are motivated by fear of death.

KOCCy attitude is based on the acronym KOCC which has personal meaning to me only--'king of clubs consciousness'--so I no longer use the term. I used it in early dream journals. Many years ago I induced a certain card to appear without any trickery by combining full-on concentrated attention, unquestioned confidence, total detachment from results, and absolute silence of mind. This was the only time I have induced an overt ESP experience by effort, although I've had several ESP experiences spontaneously.

LAPSE into sleep is one method of direct unworlding or WILD (wake-induced-lucid-dream) since some people have not learned how to go through the Urumara directly. Daytime Practice of Awakenings or little sleeps is the best way to become familiar with the vicinity of the borderline of sleep, and upon Awakening, the practitioner should ask himself What-Just-Happened since these tiny non-lucid unworldings will be quickly forgotten if they are not quickly recalled.

LAST THOUGHT before sleep should be your Intent Agenda: what you plan to do when you get unworlded. So writing your Intent Agenda in your journal before lying down is also a good idea. Meditating right before sleep is a great plan, and doing so after four hours of sleep is even better. Since thinking and meditation are sometimes at odds with each other, you could work out a compromise between them such as a mantra which helps stop thoughts during meditation, while also making you think about getting lucid. Good luck.

LAUGHTER It just occurred to me that maybe laughter is really a vibration, an interference wave between the first and last chakras, for example between emotion and expansion. Just a thought.

LEAD BLANKET is a sensation of heaviness on the chest that practitioners often feel when going into and/or through the Urumara. This is the same thing as the 'old hag syndrome' often reported by experiencers of conscious sleep paralysis. The reason these sensations and perceptions occur is that the Urumara, which is the borderline of sleep, includes the experience of giving over your entire breathing apparatus to autonomous processes. Many people, when trying to go into the Urumara consciously, experience excitement or fear at the prospect of letting someone else--the Dream Usher--handle our breathing for us. Since the conscious mind, facing the loss of its accustomed partial control of the breathing function, rebels at the relatively shallow breathing needed to support the sleeping body, it's been suggested that you should breathe shallowly when practicing the direct induction or WILD in order to be prepared for this transition if you end up going through it consciously.

LIMBERLUCK is the personification of my 8ness dream body, my crown chakra, the 7th chakra or the 7th overtone of awareness. He appears in dreams as a happy-go-lucky, unattached wanderer who always has a few coins in his pocket and doesn't mind giving some away, while taking care to keep some in reserve. In dreams he often wakes up in a sleeping bag and ends up flying or the equivalent. In keeping with the theme of 8ness, he is expansive and relaxed. He has no worries.

LITERARY FRAUD Carlos Castaneda consistently asserted, on those rare occasions when he granted an interview, that his books were not fiction and not novels. Since they are obviously not about the real world, like the New Testament of the Christian bible, for example, I believe what he was saying--without saying it in the up-front, straightforward manner which he obviously found distasteful--was that his books were non-fiction or as a student of Milton Erickson might put it, 'teaching tales' or even parables. I mean, he was born on Christmas, right? (Either that or he had a Messiah complex, since he stated on his immigration papers that he was born on Christmas.) Whatever the case might be, based on his not wanting to be pinned down as to the exact nature of his writing, I have created a new genre: the not-a-novel. Exactly what that is, well, your guess is as good as mine. What's most important is that we realize that he was not just laughing at us. He was a serious and incredibly intelligent philosopher. Who was also laughing at us.

LITTLE SLEEPS or LS are also known as NLOBEs (non-lucid OBEs) or microsleeps. The practitioner uses Daytime Practices to learn how to go to sleep for just a few seconds and wake himself back up. By hovering near the borderline of sleep--the Urumara--he gets used to the territory and breaks down the fear barrier. I have renamed this practice Awakening since being able to go to sleep is of no consequence, whereas being able to wake yourself back up and knowing what to do when you wake up are of critical importance.

LIVING IN THE REALITY CHECK goes beyond just doing reality checks through the day, up to and including the purposeful act of changing your belief system to acknowledge and assume that you are always unworlded, and to start Noticing this as you go through your day. This is a whole chapter so don't get me started.

LUCID (BECOMING) is what the dictionary says it is, in spite of unworlders' special use of the word to mean that you know you're dreaming. Lucidity practiced 24 hours a day is the ultimate goal of my practice, it comes in levels and layers, and plenty of lucidity exists in some so-called "non-lucid" dreams. 'Becoming lucid' also refers to the waking experience of deciding to shut off the internal dialog and replacing it with Continuously Paying Attention. You're better off meditating than obsessing over whether or not you're 'getting lucid' in your dreams, because once you find yourself in a certain Magical Mindset, you can't help but get lucid all the time.

LUCID WAKING is the practice of waking up gradually, paying attention to the stages of waking, so that you can easily remain calm and still, focused on the Unworld, with eyes closed, and aware of the fact that we wake up in the Nowhere. From there the next step is anywhere, not necessarily waking in bed. This is the key to Chaining unworldings, also known as DEILD or the indirect technique. The only practical time to practice Lucid Waking is when you're awake, practicing Awakenings or microsleeps. If you wait till you're groggy and only practice at night, chances of learning to do this are more slim.

LUCIDITY is defined differently by different philosophers and practitioners, depending on their goals and interests. In terms of Synfonemia, it has to do with memory, or 3ness, being used as a tool to remember who you are instead of 3ness being used as a self-indulgent toy for collecting attachments. I've also heard lucidity defined as the act of leaving the dream plot behind, but the typical definition is just realizing you're dreaming. Lucidity comes in levels. What the dictionary says is relevant: it's clarity of awareness, the ability for the light to shine through the filters that usually obscure what's going on. The best discussion of the levels of lucidity is on Reese Jones' YouTube channel. Another appealing definition of lucidity is just 'waking up'.

LUCIDITY CUES are either personal recurring themes or Personal Lucidity Objects which trigger lucidity because they're familiar to you, or General Lucidity Triggers, which are characteristics of unworlding experiences which tend to trigger lucidity. General Lucidity Triggers are such phenomena as close interactions with other dream characters, detailed conversations, exact words in human language, specific numbers, vivid details and anything you can look at for a long time without its disappearing or getting blurry or changing into something else. These sorts of solidity phenomena demonstrate an unusual clarity which could lead to lucidity.

LUCIDITY LEVELS are discussed lucidly by Reece Jones on his YouTube channel, reecejones87. If you go through the Urumara one way, you get more lucid. If you back out of the Urumara or go through it backwards, you get less lucid, including possibly waking up in your bed.

MAGICAL MINDSET is not magical and it is not a guarantee. It is a hypothetical state of mind which--if it existed-- would in fact guarantee the desired results such as a coveted unworlding experience. It is the Unworld that seems magical and the guarantee is what makes the Magical Mindset hypothetical. We are positing a mindset which would never fail to get results, and further, that if you do get results, it means that you must have been in such a mindset, but that doesn't mean we know what that mindset was. But we can guess, based on experience.

MAINTAINING and DEEPENING--also called stabilization--are any methods used to make the unworlding experience longer and more vivid, detailed, and realistic. Most of the techniques involve engaging more of the 5+ senses including sense of motion, or other means of participating in the action including leaving the scene and creating a different one or changing some part of the scene or a dream character. The most obvious way to start deepening and maintaining once you realize you're unworlded is to start touching things, looking briefly at different parts of the scene, and according to the principle of Metsuke, keeping an even keel, not focusing too much on any one thing, and keeping a panoramic viewpoint.

MANIFESTATION is often instantaneous on the Unworld because it's the nature of untamed reality to just agree with us, reflecting back our expectations since there's no competition from competing reality systems. On the other hand, in consensus reality, the more people are involved in a belief or agreement about what's real, the less likely that any one individual will notice his thoughts creating his reality. The overtly solid nature of consensus reality is due to the fact that solidity and agreement are both reflections of 3ness. Earthville is an offshoot of the Unworld which resonates with (attracts) individuals who have not developed a harmonic, balanced internal system of cooperating among their various energy centers. Consensus reality gives such individuals time and space in which to learn gradually how their thoughts manifest their reality, while in the Unworld, instant manifestation traps people into loops of self-perpetuating reactionary behavior. The resident of a lower place in the Unworld might feel afraid, instantly see his fears manifested, thus find confirmation and support for his fears. This creates a feedback loop that's hard to break out of. In consensus reality, interaction with others softens one's beliefs so much that we never quite know what to think due to the influence of so many other people, resulting in a reality that doesn't change very quickly. This amounts to a learning experience for those who care to learn how manifestation works.

MANTRA is a word or phrase that you repeat over and over and/or at certain key moments. Its purpose is to focus the Attention and/or replace the internal dialog. I had a mantra for forty years which I repeated so long that it was just more Babble. Because of that I prefer to use a mantra with a specific meaning and use it for a specific purpose. In this application it can be powerful. During meditation I only repeat a mantra to refocus my Attention if I catch my mind wandering. But I never repeat a mantra if I don't feel like it. The notion that your mantra must be kept secret is just superstition. My favorite mantras are 'dream' and 'unbending intent'.

MAPPING THE UNWORLD is an individual process that can be used as an effective aid to building familiarity with recurringly visited places. Depending on the practitioner's interest in mapping out the environments available to him in his dreams and lucid unworldings, this practice can be of vast benefit. There's a tendency for non-mappers to accept whole-hog the maps of their favorite teacher, which could be guarded against. The map to the Unworld, on the other hand, can be drawn in broader, more general strokes, because it starts in our consensus reality. But once you're there, you should do us all a favor and try to find your Unworld instead of that of someone you read about. Remember that the map is not the ground, places are states of being, and real and physical are two different things.

MATIW stands for breathing More Air Than I Want. It is forbidden. Do not attempt this.

MEDITATION covers a great variety of practices that aim to train the attention in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. In unworlding it's beneficial to be able to focus on one thing or on nothing, to clear the mind and body of thoughts and emotions, to move energy around in the body, to Notice various sensations, to remain calm, among many other benefits to mind and body. For more information that is carefully researched and devoid of traditionalism, consult Advanced Yoga Practices whose founder Yogani is an anonymous American yogi with many years of experience and books sold at a reasonable price.

MERGING with a dream body or chakra is a matter of Intending to do so at a favorable moment. So-called 'leaving the body' is an example of merging with one or more of your dream bodies. In dreams, if you interact with a dream character and that character disappears, vaulting you into a different dream scene, this could be an example of your having merged with that dream character. Most dream characters are either two-dimensional images that get their energy from your interaction with them, or one of your dream bodies. When you merge with a dream body, you acquire its abilities. The easiest time to merge with a dream body, in my experience, is upon waking up motionless with eyes closed and trying to see with your eyes closed, which is the ultimate reality check since no physical motion is required. If you can see through your closed eyelids, you are already merged with transcendent dream bodies. Or look to one side and see if you or your visual field start to rotate in that direction. If so, you can Intend to roll 'out of the body' and possibly float free. In Awakenings following a little dream, or Awakenings accompanied by a Jerk, it's common to recall having just interacted with a dream body. These short interactions tend to include trading first-person perspective back-and-forth between you and a dream body, which is like ball practice in the merging game. In general, most people's lower three chakras are already merged into an entity called 'the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World' which is a simultaneous creation, moment-by-moment, of the real world, your conscious mind, and your physical body out of a single configuration or set of filters.

MEMORY is a reflection of 3ness, but humans tend to waste their limited energy on a different reflection of 3ness--attachment--while walking around in a trance of routine activity, doing and thinking what they're told to do and think. When this kind of routinary existence translates to the Unworld, what we have is a bunch of zombies wandering around in semi-comatose dreams unable to remember their own name or where they live. This is considered normal, but the generally increasing interest in developing lucidity during dreams will hopefully help to encourage people to develop more lucidity while awake on earth also.

METSUKE or 'soft eyes' is one of the cornerstones of unworlding practice, one of the Frawmbickly Acts. While learning to focus is crucial, it's just as important to learn how to balance focus with detachment, and that's what Metsuke is. Metsuke applies to all levels of unworlding practice, so here are two examples of Metsuke applying to different levels. When you're in the Tunnel and Noticing images, you may find yourself looking at a Screenshot, a clear image appearing steadily in a rectangular, circular, or otherwise bounded portion of your field of vision. You get excited and hone in on the image, which makes it disappear. It's usually possible to bring it back by backing off the excitement and looking at your whole field of vision equally. The reason you accidentally saw the Screenshot to begin with was that you accidentally balanced focus and detachment. Second example: you are obsessed with trying to unworld. You spend all your spare time practicing, reading books, watching YouTube gurus talk about how to do it, but you just can't do it. Finally you give up. And that night you get unworlded spontaneously without trying. That's Metsuke in action. Metsuke is the balancing of 6ness, so you might say it's the balancing of enthusiasm. Frank Kepple called it 'mild curiosity'. Castaneda talked about it all the time. In the peaceful martial art Aikido, the term Metsuke is used to mean 'soft eyes' or seeing panoramically. The physics behind this is simple: while your eyes see well only when they focus on something small, the mind can see everything in focus at once. This probably accounts for all the reports that the Unworld is realer than real. So when we try to see with our mind's eye in the same way we see with our physical eyes, we go blind. Simply revert to panoramic vision and the vision will often reappear immediately as long as you're also practicing Blaffinveigle not talking to yourself.

MILD is mnemonic-induced-lucid-dreaming. Mnemonic is pronouncable. The initial m is silent. But I'd rather say that MILD stands for memory-device-induced-lucid-dream. According to its discoverer, Stephen LaBerge, MILD is basically autosuggestion. It's another kind of Chaining. In MILD you Chain dream actions to waking suggestions and intentions to remember to do reality checks, remember to ask yourself if you're dreaming, remember to ask yourself, 'How did I get here????' etc. Basically, MILD is any means of training yourself to remember  to become lucid. This is 3ness, like all forms of Chaining.

MILESTONES in unworlding practice include your first conscious unworlding, getting lucid in a dream, your first direct unworlding from a conscious state, your first experience of Noticing or the Urumara or the Projection Room or the Nowhere, etc. In the bginning, every unworlding is a milestone.

MIND-ALTERING SUBSTANCES in my dreams indicate an impending trip through the Urumara, i.e. a plan or desire to move into a different state of mind. Just as a side note, real mind-altering substances in the physical world have no place in any unworlding practice, except to give you a goal--Quit!--so that you, instead of some chemical, can take charge of your state of mind. Marijuana in particular is a distinct no-no for 99% of unworlders who find that it destroys their dream recall inexorably, and their give-a-shitter as well.

MIND'S EYE is not limited to functioning when we think our body is asleep. It is another absolute, one of your dream bodies or chakras, in this case the so-called 3rd eye or brow chakra. The Mind's Eye is the 7th harmonic of awareness, and is also reflected by true intuition and wisdom, among other things, including the ability to see what's going on behind other things, the ability to unwrap ROTEs or bundled teachings, etc. A key to learning to see with the Mind's Eye is Metsuke, or the balance between focus and detachment. In terms of vision or dream vision, whether awake or asleep, in the body or out of it, the mind does not see mechanically like the eyes, by focusing on small things. The Mind's Eye or 7ness sees everything in focus at the same time, so in order to see properly in the Unworld, you have to look at everything at once, from a panoramic point of view. In a Screenshot for example, focusing on one part of the screen will make the shot disappear while defocusing in order to see the whole shot might bring it back into clear definition immediately.

MIRRORS in the Unworld are the Nowhere, i.e. portals to others states of consciousness which in turn are sometimes symbolized by other places in the Unworld. Looking into a mirror in a dream indicates a pre-lucid condition. Looking into a mirror is the first thing you should do the first time you get unworlded, according to unworlding coach Michael Raduga.

MIRUVOR is an energy food or energizing liquid nourishment from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. I accidentally adopted this term as a composite of 'mirror warrior' when I needed a name for the future self or higher self or ideal transcendant version of the practitioner. So in my books, Miruvor can have two meanings, depending on context.

MOMENT OF CHOICE is just the Moment itself, the only thing that exists, with emphasis on the fact that one cannot effectively make any decisions or change anything in times like the past and the future which don't actually exist. Each moment is a unique perspective of infinity or oneness, the fundamental of existence, the first harmonic of awareness, which is pure awareness itself. As a reflection of infinity, the Moment is also infinite, in fact it is the same infinity, since there can't be two of those things. Since each Moment is unique and no Moment remains static or unchanged, it's not possible to do anything without changing the world, nor is it possible to do nothing, so you might as well do something, while recognizing that it is nothing.

MONEY is a reflection of 4ness. The pursuit of money as it is practiced in the physical world is an overuse of energy by the 4ness body, an imbalance of the solar plexus chakra. In a balanced condition, 4ness works out to be the use of value, hierarchy, system and order as a tool, not a toy. In the Unworld, hoarding is a bad sign and sharing is a good one.

MONKEY MIND We build a world for ourselves using the internal dialog as one of the tools. The internal dialog is also called the monkey mind in general, while the Babble of the human race as a whole is called the Froth. The ability to stop the internal dialog, an act which I call Blaffinveigle, is the most important skills a practitioner can learn.

MONROE, ROBERT A. was a successful broadcasting executive and entrepreneur who used his social abilities and unique charisma and intelligence to become the modern godfather of unworlding and founder of TMI, The Monroe Institute, in Virginia, USA. His first book Journeys Out of the Body  broke new ground and updated the terminology and attitude toward non-physical experiences, while bringing unworlding out into the open. He obtained a patent for binaural beats which he called Hemi-Sync. He described the process of getting unworlded in terms of 'focus levels' and then extended further focus levels within the Unworld itself according to his experience and the experience of others. His second and third books are also classics in the field. Bob Monroe can never be replaced.

MOODWATCHING is a facet of spiritual materialism in which the misguided devotee is trying to make something of himself via spiritual materialism vs. wanting what he has, i.e. performing Nubberzuck. Next time you're in a bad mood and you're worried that it will affect your ability to unworld, try this. Instead of trying to force yourself into the bogus pretense of a useful mood, use the mood you have. Get pissed, you're pissed already so it should be easy; use your focused emotional energy to increase your level of determination. Basically we're trying to learn to stay awake through the transition into so-called sleep, so use the sublimated emotional energy to stay more focused, to care less about the distracting physical flotsam that you usually chatter to yourself about, to stay more motionless for Vac-U-Move, to pay better attention to What-Just-Happened, and to get a KOCCyer attitude about demonstrating some real Urumara tolerance. Moodwatching is an insidious disease of the new age religion which you must avoid at all costs. It's wrong to directly attack a bad mood, as it is worse than ineffective; the pretentious prosthetic mood can get you into all kinds of trouble and make people think you're a fruit bag.

MOTION is one of the 5+ senses, based on the sense of touch, as is smell, taste, hot/cold, and other senses. Learning to watch for any slight sense of motion is a good skill to nurture, since it can be built on to induce unworlding. A good way to get a glimpse of unphysical motion is to use What-Just-Happened during Daytime Practices, which includes bedtime practice if you go to bed early, before you're sleepy. If you pay Attention to the very recent past (fractions of a second), you will Notice things that already occurred, a lot of which will be examples of phantom wiggling, the Jerk, and other forms of dream body motion that you would not have noticed while they were occurring since they happened to one of your dream bodies which you were not completely merged with so you, as the 2-3-4 Mind, weren't paying Attention at the time but can still recall the event if you do it immediately. This is how we get acquainted with our dream bodies, thereby building solid confidence that they actually exist. Since we and our world are vibratory phenomena, its good news if a motion is followed by its opposite motion, back-and-forth like a pendulum. Take note of all kinds of motion in your dream journal and see that motion tends to break down into dualistic phenomena such as walking, wobbling back-and-forth, rocking, swinging, leaping up and down, flying around in circles, SOUND, etc.

MOUSE was one of the 'soul parts' I retrieved in the early 1990s when I was doing shamanic journeys to try and change my personality. Mouse is now the personification of my 7ness dream body, the brow chakra, the 3rd eye. What Mouse brings to the Soul Retinue is the ability to see what's going on below the surface. 7ness is about intuition and true wisdom. I might even have Mouse to thank for the fact that I gave up trying to change my personality, and the result has been better than a double lobotomy.

MUGGONS is the slightly poisonous herb mugwort. I recommend avoiding all substances including legal supplements and herbs that are supposed to help you get unworlded. Or go ahead and find out for yourself what happens when a practice which depends on Intent fizzles overnight because Intent gets traded in for smokable magic and a meditation patch.

MULTIDIMENSIONALITY is the notion that within infinity, especially given that infinity is inherently indivisible, once we paradoxically manage to split ourselves off into individuals (entities aware of their own existence), the nature of reality can be simultaneously measured in so many different ways that to most people it's not worth trying to figure out what's going on around them or why. This is why people are happy to drink any kool-aid offered them or at least let someone else stuff them full of predigested opinions, especially if the resulting belief system coincides to a major degree with the opinion systems of those around them who define their social standing. In fact, you and I live in utterly different universes which barely intersect at all. Your purple might be my yellow; my dog might be dreaming me into existence (which might explain why my dog sleeps all day), and there's no way to prove anything in the final analysis. I like to say that everything is a symbol of everything else, everything is equally unreal, and I subscribe to the notion that we live in a holographic universe and that most of the people you see around you, until you interact with them, are unaware of your existence and might actually be off shooting dice with leprechauns down in Sleepy Hollow, for all you know, unaware that they are even appearing in your reality system at all. And you don't know. And you won't.

NAME OF AUTHOR My aliases include Luther Rangeley, Luther Limberluck, Luther Limbolust, Gunther Germley, Unc, Uncle Buddy, Buddy, and currently I am using W. H. Early which stands for 'work hard early' but you can just call me Whirly which is the name of my higher self or future self. My legal name is Scott Robertson.

NEAL, BOB was a shoemaker about my grandfather's age who became obsessed with revolutionizing technology worldwide through the use of an air compressing engine that could fill an air tank with solar energy and without resistance from existing tank pressure. I inherited Neal's intentions from a friend of his, 18 years after his death, but had to figure out his theory since he never published it. See U.S. Patent 2030759 or my website It has long been my plan to go to the Library in the Unworld and study Neal's theory there, in hopes of getting more insight. At this time I've been working with a professional engineer on the topic for six years, but I gave my whole life to the general topic of compressed air as an energy medium at age 24, which was 38 years ago.

NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE --not just positive--makes the world go 'round, since it is twoness or duality that creates the world out of pure oneness or infinity. Trying to delete negativity from the world is a waste of energy and it will make you unable to get unworlded because impossible tasks tend to distract us from more realistic tasks like getting to know all seven of your dream bodies.

'NEGS' is possibly the worst choice of terminology in the history of the unworlding literature. Not only do these so-called negative entities have no power over us and no ability to damage us, as a matter of fact these entities are us. Doing battle with them just gives them more of (one's own) negative energy, resulting in a vicious self-perpetuating cycle in which you fear something, react to the fear with more fear, and the thing thus becomes more fearsome. All of this is just feedback of your fear to itself, with no other energy input, which forms a whirlpool of energy that can expand and suck you into it. These 'negs' are just two-dimensional images which have no awareness and no reality till you give them your energy by interacting with them. They are commonly encountered around the Urumara as reflections of your own built-in fears. The Dream Usher, I have found, often gets a hostile reaction from me which he/she has done nothing to deserve. But the conscious mind is a fear-fondling fool, and it can be a long, hard lesson to recognize fear as just energy and then to use the energy as a tool instead of using it as just another excuse for indulging in emotional excess. Believers in the dark arts and evil are literally just using Daddy's hammer to smash Mommy's china, instead of recognizing a useful tool--emotional energy--for what it is: the creator of our worlds. In the Unworld, please befriend the first 'neg' you see and ask it to teach you something about yourself that you need to know.

NEVERMIND (THE) refers to going placidly from dream to dream and not allowing the things of the physical world to get your goat. Including dream journals. If you wake up to pee, get a drink of water, write in your journal, feed the dogs, turn off the alarm clock, answer the phone and explain to your boss why you're already two hours late to work... whatever... don't let it grab your attention. Your attention is on the Unworld... keep it there.

NIGHTMARE There is no such thing as a nightmare. All unworldings are enjoyable. The scariest dreams I've every had are some of the most interesting to recollect later. The second half of the word 'urumara' is from the same root word as 'nightmare'. Most scary dreams are symbolic interpretations of resistance to going through the Urumara, i.e. changing one's state of mind.

NITPICKER AND POTWATCHER are the duplex 4ness dream body 2 + 2 = 2 x 2, the dichotomous duo, the personification of my 4ness dream body. They often appear before a lucid unworlding experience as a pair of workers in uniform for some trade, whether dressed as librarians, machinists, or odd job types. 'Nitpicker and Potwatcher' are just my personal names for my own duplex 4ness dream body, of course your 4ness dream body would not be named any such thing.

NLOBE means non-lucid OBE. I used to use it in my journal to differentiate from LS or little sleep. Now I just use Awakening for both.

NOT REALLY I only said this to confuse you.

NOT-A-NOVELS Carlos Castaneda consistently asserted, on those rare occasions when he granted an interview, that his books were not fiction and not novels. Since they are obviously not about the real world, like the New Testament of the Christian bible, for example, I believe what he was saying--without saying it in the up-front, straightforward manner which he obviously found distasteful--was that his books were non-fiction or as a student of Milton Erickson might put it, 'teaching tales' or even parables. I mean, he was born on Christmas, right? (Either that or he had a Messiah complex, since he stated on his immigration papers that he was born on Christmas.) Whatever the case might be, based on his not wanting to be pinned down as to the exact nature of his writing, I have created a new genre: the not-a-novel. Exactly what that is, well, your guess is as good as mine. What's most important is that we realize that he was not just laughing at us. He was a serious and incredibly intelligent philosopher. Who was also laughing at us.

NOTICING is balanced 6ness used as a tool. The 6th harmonic of awareness ranges from Noticing to obsession. Noticing is the skill that is involved in consciously transiting the Tunnel that leads from waking awareness to the Urumara. In order to begin Noticing, the practitioner practices Blaffinveigle--shutting down the internal dialog--and Paying Attention Continuously with his eyes closed. This discipline is called Forced Noticing. This results in the sighting of more-or-less vague images in the darkened visual field. Further down the Tunnel, there comes the experience of Spontaneous Noticing, and upon entering the Green Room, which is the last zone of activity before going through the Urumara, it's normal to see Screenshots wherein a portion of the visual field self-organizes into stable images. Once through the Urumara into the Projection Room proper, the practitioner is Beyond Noticing. He may be bombarded with all kinds of images, hearages, feelages, slippages, and the like as his physical sense apparatus gives way to the Unworld.

NREM SLEEP is an acronymical term for unworldings that take place in the Tunnel, i.e. when you haven't gone through the Urumara yet.

NOTIMEZONE is Robert Monroe's Focus 15 or Patricia Garfield's 'doubleness'. In altered settings of consciousness, we usually stray from the 'real' time zone which is just the usual settings of consciousness, including fourness which is time itself. Getting some lateral distance from our typical timeline or stream of memories and future expectations, we can see a larger-than-usual chunk of events as if it were a single moment or event (Metsuke). And in order to get that detached perspective of our usual timeline, we can wander through a variety of related timelines or parallel worlds. Since they're related (Chained), experiencing these different versions of reality at the same time results in our remembering more than one version of the same experience, and confusion as to whether something happened in the past, present, or future. The Notimezone also accounts for deja vu in which we remember a current experience even though we seem to be having the experience for the first time. See An Experiment with Time by J. W. Dunne.

NOWHERE (THE) The Nowhere is often called the Void, the 3D Blackness, and many other names. It is also called the heart chakra which in unworlding is the Dream Usher, your fiveness dream body, the fourth overtone or fourth chakra. It is the way out of the prison of Earthville existence. It is the intermediate state that leads to all other states, thus the glue that holds alternate realities together. The Nowhere is the door to anywhere, so it is the center of our being. As a state to be in, it is called the Nowhere. As a transitional state or a doorway from one state to another, it's called the Urumara. As a pumping mechanicism that sucks you from the Tunnel into the Unworld, or signals the end of an unworlding experience, it's called the heart chakra. As a dream character, it's personified as the Dream Usher. As a condition in which you are not fully unworlded or barely unworlded and not fully lucid because you're obsessing on pretty pictures and/or other energy sensations, it's called the Projection Room.

NUMEROLOGY was the source of the notion that reality has nine essential or elemental ingredients. As a young man I studied every numerology book I could find and strained out of the verbiage a sense of the common thread or essence of each of the nine digits. While I am not a true believer in numerology or astrology, I find that they are often a good way to start a conversation about personality types and the elementariness of certain concepts, and I think both systems have some validity in a holographic universe where everything is a symbol of everything else. Within an infinitely complex system of universes which function perfectly without the intervention of scientists, we are bound to run across some patterns of experience which science has yet to understand, appreciate, or otherwise acknowledge.

OBSESSION with unworlding in the early stages can help cement the topic into your life as a permanent member of your personal priorities, but this is a beginner's crutch that will have to be overcome as you get some experience and come to terms with the fact that, when all is said and done, experience in the Unworld is just another memory. You might have to seek new forms of motivation in order to get good at unworlding. Impatience and obsession will soon become a stumbling block, a source of discouragement rather than a part of your motivational machine. Since unworlding is a direct result of finding yourself in the Magical Mindset, I would suggest that you enjoy the path and discover the path itself, develop confidence and a number of skills, continue to nurture other interests, and don't obsess over what you imagine your goal to be. That goal will change as time passes and as you accumulate experience. Obsession is a pouring of all your energy into 6ness, but lying just past the 6ness whirlpool is intuition and expansion, and that's where the path will take you if you learn to smell the roses while on the path. Otherwise, obsession will be happy to eat your soul alive, if that's what you want.

OBSTACLES and BARRIERS are manifestations of the Urumara either here in Earthville or in the Unworld. Overcoming them in any way will always change one's state of mind, so all teachers assign obstacles or challenges to overcome. In the Unworld, the Urumara is symbolized by any kind of thing to overcome, go through, climb over, crawl under, go around, etc.

ORANGE is the color of 3ness, the 2nd chakra or 2nd overtone of awareness, the 3rd harmonic of reality.

PARALLEL REALITIES are alternate worlds you assemble due to adjustments of your troovammickle caused by changes in the amount of energy used by your various dream bodies. Each person exists in infinite potential varieties and it only requires certain actions to merge with those people that you might be. A person, his mind, and his world are not three different things, they are three sides of the same coin.

PEE The urge to pee should not have so much power over us. Add in the usual disclaimers, blah blah blah, in case you have a real medical problem. This was the first thing I had to change when I started my practice, because I was in the habit of using pee breaks during the day to punctuate all my activities. In order to keep this habit from rearing its ugly head every time you wake up from a dream, REM state, or the most awesome unworlding you ever had, you have to train yourself to put other things ahead of your desire to take a whiz at the slightest provocation. The time to practice this is all day long. I don't mean go around bursting at the seams clutching at yourself and hopping up and down. But do practice not punctuating your daytime activities with pee breaks, and this will carry over into your nighttime activities. At least it did for me. The other thing you should do in this regard is to read Chapter 2 of Konstantin Monastyrsky's book Fiber Menace, 'Water Damage,' in which he debunks the myth that we need to actually drink 8 glasses of water per day. This is the right amount of water but we get most of this from our food. Unless you sweat a lot, that's too much water to drink in one day, it'll just wear out your kidneys. All the usual disclaimers etc. Why don't doctors have to add disclaimers to everything they say? Not because they know much about nutrition, as it is in general a topic they don't care much for. It's because they have really expensive insurance, and that's why your USA medical care establishment is out of sight expensive. Example: when I went to a urologist, the crusty old fart couldn't wait to get rid of me, but stuffed a camera in my urethra first so he could charge my state insurance policy for something expensive, then when I tried to bring up what was really troubling me: 'What if my constant need to pee is psychological?' he said, 'Well I can't help you with that...' and backed out the door. That creep didn't deserve to be called a doctor. When I finally got motivated to not pee so much, it was really easy, as described above. Even though, at my age, my prostate is as big as a basketball.

PERSONAL LUCIDITY OBJECTS (please note that the acronym PLO is already taken) are objects, characters, places, attributes such as a favorite color, and events that you personally tend to dream about recurringly. They tend to trigger lucidity or at least to attract your attention, often causing a pre-lucid condition, more vivid dream senses, and better dream recall. It's best to keep a solid version nearby so that when it's time for you to do a reality check, you can look to see if your Personal Lucidity Object is still there. In the latter usage, the term 'anchor' bas been used but this term is too general and used for several items in the unworlding arsenal. In the former usage, the term 'dreamsign' or 'lucidity cue' has been used.

PETTY TYRANT was Castaneda's injunction to practitioners to go out and find themselves a tormentor to drive the self-importance out of them. He thus colorfully reinvigorated the teaching of most gurus to subjugate the ego and sublimate into worthier pursuits the energy typically wasted by upholding the ego.

PHANTOM WIGGLE is a term coined by unworlding teacher and author Michael Raduga. When you are in any kind of altered state including an ordinary daydream, meditation, contemplation, relaxation of any kind, it's common to feel your body or a part of your body move. Unworlding practice trains you to pay Attention so you will Notice whether these motions are actually physical or not. A lot of time the motion would be impossible for the physical body to perform, in which case you have just encountered one of your dream bodies in the flesh, i.e. for real.

PHASE EVOLUTION is the best YouTube channel on unworlding. He and I don't share the same opinions about everything, but who could share all my opinions anyway? The creator of Phase Evolution, Sylvan Muldoon or 'Mike' for short, is the most level-headed and intelligent of the many people discussing lucid dreaming and astral projection on YouTube.

PHASE EXPERIENCE means the same thing as unworlding: an out-of-body experience or lucid dream. The terminology is from Michael Raduga, author of the best book of unworlding technique, The Phase. Not to be confused with 'phasing' which is a specific way of getting unworlded introduced by Robert Monroe, who first called it the 'quick switch'. He later changed this to 'phasing,' a term adopted by Frank Kepple and his admirers. Phasing is the act of unworlding simply, quickly, and directly, without all the lying still and not swallowing and going through sleep paralysis and other energy sensations like the Vibes. But Raduga's 'phase experience' is a general term for any unworlding.

PHYSICAL and REAL are not the same thing. Physicality is about 3ness, the 3rd dimension, solidity, connection to other things. Reality and realness are about oneness, which is pure awareness, the Moment.

PINK is one of my anchors because I was obsessed with finding rose quartz in beautiful mountain locations for several years during my 30s when I could still afford to keep a car running. In the early days of this phase of my unworlding practice (starting Nov. 2015) I focused on finding pink wherever I looked whenever I went to town, and this practice did overlap into my dream content, but has seldom, if ever, made me lucid. This is not for lack of effort on the part of my dream bodies, who show me the color regularly in odd ways that should make me lucid. In particular I'm always finding rose quartz in my dreams, but still waiting for this to clue me to the fact that I'm dreaming. Maybe tonight?

PLACE-IS-STATE refers to the fact that in the Unworld, the places, buildings, and settings we find ourselves in reflect our state of awareness. Thus, recurring dream places reflect habitual parts of ourselves that we tend to revisit as individuals. Grandiose, beautiful places reflect transcendent states of awareness, etc. Trying to find something or some place in a dream often means that part of us is focused on finding a state--such as lucidity--but sometimes the goal is forgotten and the symbol takes its place in the dream plot. If a dream character is trying to help us find something or some place, or trying to help us remember anything, that person is one of our dream bodies offering to merge with us so we can become more lucid, more capable.

PLACEBO EFFECT is far from the bogus tool or scam that it is seen to be. It is in fact Intent, the power to change, the energy of 5ness. Invested with the Placebo Effect, any number of unworlding inductions work great a few times and then when the practitioner loses interest in them, when his enthusiasm flags, well forget it, Intent has moved on to something else. Because Intent is influenced by belief, it is important to change your beliefs as often as necessary. The mechanics of this system are still under investigation. For now I'd say, choose your beliefs carefully and milk the placebo effect for all you can get out of it instead of poo-pooing it. As for the effects of mugwort, binaural beats, gadgets, supplements, guided meditations, etc., I tend to avoid them most of the time so I can develop real skills without using anything as a crutch, but I test these things occasionally and find that most of these crutches including new induction techniques I'm excited about tend to work once or twice and then go limp.

PLAN OF ACTION which I prefer to call Intent Agenda is one or more specific things you hope to get accomplished next time you get unworlded. If you haven't had your first unworlding yet, your first agenda item should be to look into a mirror. I can't tell you why, or it would ruin my reason for saying it, but if you've already tried this, I will reveal the reason for making this your first act. Send me an email.

POLITICS is an obsession, like religion, with the 6th harmonic of awareness which rules group activity and passion. In my opinion, politics is an overinvolvement with the 2-3-4 World which will tend to keep the practitioner from being able to use wisdom and relaxation to his advantage in learning how to unworld. In an infinite universe filled with infinite universes, all things are possible including the hysterical antics of people winning popularity contests then getting to set public policy. This is proof that we are living in a very large mental institution. The universe is not broken, and if it were, then politics would not be the solution.

PORTALS are identities or entities acting as viewports on infinity so that infinity or oneness can look upon itself.

POTWATCHER AND NITPICKER are the duplex 4ness dream body 2 + 2 = 2 x 2, the dichotomous duo, the personification of my 4ness dream body. They often appear before a lucid unworlding experience as a pair of workers in uniform for some trade, whether dressed as librarians, machinists, or odd job types. 'Nitpicker and Potwatcher' are just my personal names for my own duplex 4ness dream body, of course your 4ness dream body would not be named any such thing.

POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE make the world go 'round--not just positive--since it is twoness or duality that creates the world out of pure oneness or infinity. Trying to delete negativity from the world is a waste of energy and it will make you unable to get unworlded because impossible tasks tend to distract us from more realistic tasks like getting to know all seven of your dream bodies.

PRE-LUCID DREAMS are about to get lucid if things go right. Pre-lucid dreams are marked by prominent or numerous Personal Lucidity Objects, vividness, details, attributes such as colors, unusual cognitive abilities, wondering, Noticing, questioning, interacting with dream characters in unusually meaningful, intense, or emotional ways. Transcendent symbols, ornate architecture, etc. It's up to the unworlder to be Continuously Paying Attention so that when the above-listed attributes start popping up, they grab his Attention and take him to a higher level of lucidity.

PROJECTION ROOM is a mechanical way of looking at the Nowhere or the Void since it consists of an intake room or the Green Room, followed by an exit of the Tunnel of non-lucidity through the moment of going to sleep or the Urumara, and into the outflow portion of the Projection Room proper. The Projection Room is thus the heart of the unworlding system since the pressure changes that take place in it not only force you to sleep and tell you where to go, but this is also the function of the Dream Usher and the Heart Chakra. The 5th harmonic of awareness is thus the dream machine. In the Projection Room's intake area a dream sometimes deposits the unworlder, awake but able to generate full-color, full-size images effortlessly for a long time.

QUESTIONING dream content during the dream, wondering about any unworlding phenomena, taking an interest in details, examining anything closely, but not too closely (Metsuke), even asking dream characters for information or vice versa, are powerful indications of a pre-lucid state. Noting such indications in your dream journal is one reason for the dream journal to exist and also a good reason to re-read the dream journal regularly. Dream characters are you, they are your dream bodies trying to help you get what you want, so they will often help you approach or achieve lucidity by showing you odd things or engendering strange plot elements or appearing in an odd way, as a fogjogger. The more you Notice fogjoggers, the more powerful they become, and the more likely they are to make you lucid. While you're awake, you should take advantage of moments of strangeness during the day to do reality checks, since such moments are reality check receptacles when reality checks are unusually effective.

RADIANCE is not to be emulated by human beings, who are embarrassingly lousy at it. I first discovered radiance in an unworlding where I wanted to meet my higher self, which would have been our second meeting. In our first meeting, he had appeared as a filthy old man rolling around in a pile of dirty rags, and the music he played was Radiance. In the second meeting, he was a very thick, very calm man in a white T-shirt who worked in a restaurant kitchen in Kansas. He came out to meet me since I'd managed to stay lucid so long and remember my Intent Agenda, and his skin had this faint orangey glow. His smile was so small it was almost just the hint of a smile. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and did not speak. I'm no expert on radiance, but I'm guessing that radiance is a quality of a harmonized Soul Retinue--which forms the higher self or future self--and that Radiance is the quality that generates euphoria in some of our unworldings. You will not find it by chasing it around.

RADUGA, MICHAEL is a Siberian unworlding teacher whose book The Phase is the only book that has ever helped me get unworlded. My term "unworlding" means the same as his term "phase experience".

RAMPA, LOBSANG was the pen name of an English plumber--Cyril Hoskin (1910–1981)--who wrote nineteen not-a-novels in which he claimed to be inhabited by the spirit of an exiled Tibetan monk and truck driver (a 'walk-in'). At one time I read all his books because I could only read Robert Monroe's Journeys Out of the Body  so many times. Fortunately there are now so many self-taught and highly skilled unworlders writing books that it's no longer necessary to read and re-read not-a-novels in search of information about unworlding.

REAL and PHYSICAL are not the same thing. Physicality is about 3ness, the 3rd dimension, solidity, connection to other things. Reality and realness are about oneness, which is pure awareness, the Moment.

REALITY CHECKS or 'state checks' comprise a method of encouraging lucidity which is practiced during waking activities in hopes that it will become a habit. Then, if you should happen to conduct the same activity during a dream by force of habit, due to the nature of the check itself, doing it during a non-lucid dream should help you to realize that your are unworlded and become lucid. These checks consist of any activity which would give one answer if you turned out to be unworlded and a different answer if you turned out to be physical. The best reality check is trying to see through your closed eyelids and sleep mask, since it can be done without moving, and because of this, it can be used at the most auspicious of times, when one is most likely to be already unworlded without realizing it, and that is at the moment of waking or moments before. Trying to see through closed eyes is also an excellent progress check during the Direct induction or WILD, if you are having energy sensations and want to see how far along you are. In my experience, the two most effective reality checks have been 1 hopping into the air to see if I could fly, and 2 asking myself, 'Do I know how I got here?' because these are the checks I have remembered to repeat while in non-lucid dreams, which then became lucid because of my having done the check. Reality checks should be done at least a few times an hour, with enthusiasm and imagination, because mechanically-done, boring checks are worse than useless. It's also helpful to be alert for moments when you feel especially spontaneous, lively, enthusiastic, dreamy, light, etc. and plug a reality check into that moment. Such moments are called Reality Check Receptors because--unlike dead light bulb sockets--they will charge a reality check with useful energy. A bored, mechanically-done reality check is like a dead light bulb socket, it's a waste of energy, so if you're gonna do reality checks, get unbored first.

RED is the color of the first overtone of awareness, 2ness, the 2nd harmonic of reality, the 2ness dream body, which I personify as the Inventor since our emotions and senses as the internal Sound Current create the worlds by splitting indivisible infinity into identifiable parts.

RE-ENTRY is the experience of seeing or otherwise sensing your physical body as separate from you, and merging with the physical, often interpreted as being out-of-body and then entering it.

REINCARNATION An incarnation has been interpreted as a mechanistic, linear unit in a succession of lives isolated to the use of a single, discrete entity. In a holographic universe and/or a wave function reality, this status quo interpretation of reincarnation needs to be replaced by a known vibratory function, and that function is resonance.

RELIGION is what happens when you dump all your energy into 6ness. Noticing is what happens when you get 6ness balanced and use it as a tool instead of a toy.

R.E.M. is my favorite musical group.

R.E.M. BREATH is a one second inhale followed immediately by one second exhale, slightly ragged breathing, accompanied by slow random motions of the eyes. This has never failed to put me to sleep.

R.E.M. REBOUND is unscheduled R.E.M. sleep that you get due to lack of sleep. Based on the notion that you need R.E.M. sleep for some reason, if you don't get it at the usual time--about every 90 minutes during a normal night's sleep of approximately 8 hours--then as soon as you lie down and go to sleep, sometimes including afternoon naps or anytime you experience the dire need to sleep right now, you could enter R.E.M. sleep immediately instead of first sleeping for 90, 90x2, 90x3, etc. minutes. Using sleep deprivation and/or altering normal sleep patterns is not a predictable method, thus not reliable, but it has been known to trigger lucidity and/or conscious experiences of sleep paralysis in spontaneous ways.

REMAIN STILL with eyes closed is what you should do when you wake up. You are waking up in the Nowhere, but we tend to assume we've woken up in our bed. This is just a habitual way of thinking. Often we wake up in a still-unworlded condition if we care to take advantage of this by rolling out, Chaining back in with FILD, or just laying there looking at images since, if you're still in REM, you're still in the Projection Room and able to see images effortlessly.

REMOTE MIND is a conglomeration of all our dream bodies above 4ness, therefore it includes fluidity or 5ness, Noticing or 6ness, intuition or 7ness, and 8ness which is expansion and freedom. The remote mind is thoroughly familiar with so-called enlightenment and the Unworld, since it and its constiuents live there permanently. It knows all, sees all, and remembers everything we have ever done or could have done or should have done. This entity has been referred to as the 'unconscious' or 'subconscious' mind, but these terms are inaccurate since the remote mind represents a more advanced form of awareness than the greedy, grabby conscious mind which tends to starve its superiors for energy.

REPLAY It was dreaming coach Patricia Garfield who first pointed out in her classic book Creative Dreaming that our dream scenes are often tinged by a sense of doubleness, the feeling that we have already done something and are now doing it again. This is probably the same thing as deja vu, and my guess is that when we dream, our parallel selves in the parallel worlds closest to us will be having very similar dreams. Sometimes a dreamer will remember more than one version of the same dream, making it impossible to record the dream in a logical time frame without cheating and imposing a narrative description. This just means we can and do dream more than one version of the same basic theme 'simultaneously,' although using time words to describe things that happen outside of time is kinda hopeless. Robert Monroe wrote about being given dream assignments in which he would be given a problem to solve in a dream, and each time he solved it wrong, his memory would be blanked temporarily and he would start over, repeating the lesson till he got it right. This sounds to me like he has forced a narrative description on what happens to all of us--basically a kind of deja vu in the Unworld--with his predilection for interpreting everything as schoolish in some way. My opinion is that doubleness and deja vu are just slippings out of time into a perspective that can view a timeline from outside. See J. W. Dunne. 2

REVERSE BLINKING is a method for putting yourself to sleep quickly and/or with your eyes partially open, which can sometimes result in experiencing REM atonia consciously, i.e. sleep paralysis. To do it, close your eyes when you lie down and blink them open periodically for a fraction of a second at about the same rate as if your eyes were open and periodically blinking closed. It's interesting to note that the blackness of the closed-eye period, as usual, is not black but a fertile ground for Noticing images.

REVERSE BLINKING is a method for putting yourself to sleep quickly and/or with your eyes partially open, which can sometimes result in experiencing REM atonia consciously, i.e. sleep paralysis. To do it, close your when you lie down and blink them open periodically for a fraction of a second at about the same rate as if your eyes were open and periodically blinking closed. It's interesting to note that the blackness of the closed-eye period, as usual, is not black but a fertile ground for Noticing images.

ROBERT A. MONROE was a successful broadcasting executive and entrepreneur who used his social abilities and unique charisma and intelligence to become the modern godfather of unworlding and founder of TMI, The Monroe Institute, in Virginia, USA. His first book Journeys Out of the Body broke new ground and updated the terminology and attitude toward non-physical experiences, while bringing unworlding out into the open. He obtained a patent for binaural beats which he called Hemi-Sync. He described the process of getting unworlded in terms of 'focus levels' and then extended further focus levels within the Unworld itself according to his experience and the experience of others. His second and third books are also classics in the field. Bob Monroe can never be replaced.

ROLLING OUT is one classic way of getting unworlded the OBE way, in which the unworlder feels like he is leaving his physical body. When this happened to me, I felt someone else rolling out of my body, got alarmed for a second, then realized I needed to merge with that someone else.

ROLLOVER SIGNAL during direct induction from a waking state is supposed to be a desire, all but painful, to roll over and go to sleep after a period of time devoted to not moving. This signal is real but probably of concern only to beginners. The terminology was probably invented by Nick Newport of Lucidology 101.

ROPE METHOD is an induction popularized by Robert Bruce in which you try to feel yourself climbing a rope that dangles from the ceiling above your body. The purpose of inductions like this is to not only induce the sense of motion that seems to help so much in creating an exit experience, but also to keep your mind awake by imagining something. Anything that especially causes transition-like motion such as up, down, through, over, or under could be used in custom-designed imaginings which I call 'Beanpoles' as in 'Climbing the Beanstalk'.

ROTE is a term introduced by Robert Monroe, an acronym for Related Organized Thought Energy. It refers to a bundle of information delivered instantaneously which the recipient can unravel later in order to get the details and digest them. In telepathic communications which are so common in the Unworld, ROTEs are routinely delivered to someone who is curious enough to seek answers too complex for a simple reply.

SCREEN USE is said by some to be a no-no in the hour or two before going to bed, based on a pseudo-scientific connection to theories about hypnagogia which are rooted in the realm of physical science. The problem with theories rooted in the realm of physical science is that they're rooted in the realm of physical science. Hypnagogic images are not about physical science; it's a different topic. I have had unworldings a few minutes after marathon 12-to-16-hour computer use. The correlation between screen use and unworlding needs a closer look with less superficial conclusions. For example, staring at a screen as such might have nothing to do with it. If using a computer or other screen device just before bed keeps you from getting unworlded, take a look at what state of mind you were in while staring at the screen. I could understand unworlding potential being chopped off by an unfocused or bored state of mind brought about by watching TV or you tube videos or aimlessly surfing or addictively playing video games, which would not be the same thing as an activity requiring focus which could be akin to meditation in some ways.

SCREENSHOT is a phenomenon of Spontaneous Noticing marked by the existence of a discrete screen on a portion of the visual field. The screen is filled by self-sustaining images which are well-defined and remain so as long as the observer retains the right balance of focus and detachment, or Metsuke. The Screenshot is a sighting of the Projection Room through the Urumara.

SEEING THROUGH SLEEP MASK is a uniquely useful reality check because you can do it without the slightest physical motion. The value in this is that if the test fails, indicating that you're still stuck in the physical setting, you have not moved your physical body in order to find this out, so you don't have to start over again like you might if you'd moved your body and found out it was your physical body. I have become lucid by spontaneously Noticing that I was able to see through something that was covering my face in a non-lucid dream and then realizing I was seeing through my sleep mask.

SELF-IMPORTANCE is a term popularized by Carlos Castaneda, and he was right: we waste so much energy trying to be right and trying to make everyone wrong that we have nothing left for unworlding. Learning how to get unworlded at will takes a lot of steady, prolonged effort for most people, and anyone can tell you that walking around with a chip on your shoulder, feeling offended at nearly everything that happens to you, is going to make you a slow learner in the unworlding game, to say the least. This is why some unworlding manuals like the Castaneda-esque Way of the Peaceful Warrior place so much emphasis on working hard to improve the self vs. working hard to prove that one is a victim of his circumstances.

SHAMAN DRUMS according to the system taught by Michael Harner use the same frequency as binaural beats--about 4 hz--to induce trance. I prefer them over binaural beats but like to add waterfall sounds since I don't like wearing ear plugs and the white noise covers other people's noise better than earplugs. But the best way to cover other's people's noise is to earnestly and devotedly decide, as often as necessary, that it's not your problem. As for using special vibrations to induce trance, I'm not a believer. It might help but it shouldn't be necessary, and if it does help, then who's to say it doesn't make you dependent on it instead of having a skill?

SHAMANIC JOURNEYS--as we learn from Michael Harner and Sandra Ingerman's books--involve going into an altered state of consciousness in search of information and/or healing of some kind. These journeys can be done in a fully unworlded state but often they are done in what I call a state of visioneering in which one shuts off the internal dialog and watches images unfold into scenes and partial scenes which are supposed to have some meaning. Apparently the TMI program does not require that people become fully unworlded in order to experience valid altered states of consciousness, so TMI graduate Bruce Moen has written some books from the perspective of visioneering since he couldn't learn how to get fully unworlded. Personally, I find visioneering to be a blind alley, with doubts about the process accumulating out-of-control the longer I do it, so I don't do it anymore. I find it sends me off on a tangent of the sneaky, manipulative, selfish, emotionalistic, greedy conscious mind's choice.

SHAMANIC TUNNEL Michael Harner teaches that in shamanic journeys, one finds a tunnel, cave or some other kind of opening and goes through it into an altered state of consciousness. This is just another representation of the Urumara, the borderline between any two states of consciousness. Unfortunately new agers think in terms of shamanism lite and I call this visioneering, where the practitioner doesn't bother to learn how to get unworlded and just trusts his conscious mind--which is usually not asleep--to come up with the right answers. But in fact the conscious mind cannot be trusted because it stacks the deck to keep from having to give up the lion's share of your energy, which it tries to hoard for itself. Noticings take place in the Tunnel, which is a training zone, but fully unworlded should be the goal, whether you have a shamanic slant on your practice or not.

SILENT COMPANION or SC is a dream character or entity you meet in the Unworld comprised of an indeterminate conglomerate of your dream bodies. In non-lucid dreams, SC is rarely seen, but the unworlder has a sense of SC's presence. SC often takes on the persona of someone the practitioner knows but could be represented as a stranger or someone who is dreamed about and/or familiar in the dream scene, but unknown in the physical world.

SIMULTANEOUS LIVES make more sense than reincarnation since reincarnation depends on past and future lives but in reality there is only one Moment, so there cannot be lives lived in a series. In fact, there cannot be moments lived in a series; there is only one Moment. The very existence of infinity dictates infinite versions of everything and makes time a subsidiary viewpoint, not a foundation of reality. There can only be one foundation of reality, and that is awareness or infinity itself. Since past and future are imaginary, this life is imaginary, so how could any version of reincarnation be literally factual? But simultaneous lives seem more sensible than lives in a row, even though, literally speaking, since 'simultaneous' is a time word, it flags the concept it describes as invalid in terms of truly foundational reality. Reality/awareness/infinity controls time, not the other way around.

SIX HOURS SLEEP is a mythical prereqisite to getting unworlded and having more lucidity during an unworlding. This myth is being passed from expert to expert while each of these experts appears to think that the time he himself spent in defiance of this guideline as a beginner was wasted time. As a matter of fact, everything a beginner tries is part of his process and experts generally have been experts too long to know how to properly be a beginner. Beginners have to try what they are interested in trying, not follow statistical tendencies as if they were laws. It is a statistical tendency that more people get unworlded more frequently and with more lucidity after a period of restful sleep. At the same time, some people can only perform WILD, for example, at bedtime. The important point to remember is that what we, in the physical, interpret to be R.E.M. sleep is an excellent time to get unworlded with lucidity. Thus, it's possible to easily get unworlded at bedtime if you've been sleep deprived, because the R.E.M. state is right there waiting for you to close your eyes. But the notion that we can predict or know what is a good time to try something is wrong, even though a typical R.E.M. sleep cycle is 90 minutes long as the experts say. The best time to practice is when you're in the mood, when you feel motivated. This will always be true, and the naive beginner should not have his only motivation stunted by jaded rulemongers. One more thing to remember is that practice should be done with a detached attitude, because if you try too hard or want too much, you will just manifest trying and wanting, not unworlding. If practice of skills is done as a dry run, the practitioner will know what to do when he senses that spontaneous unworlding is imminent, and until that rare individual reaches expert stage, the vast majority of unworldings are spontaneous.

SLEEP CYCLE is the length of time between dips into REM sleep, on the average, for most people. It is thought that most people have deeper sleep and less REM during the earlier part of the nightly sleep period, with the REM periods between sleep cycles coming closer together and lasting longer after four to six hours of rejuvenating sleep.

SLEEP PARALYSIS is the conscious experience of REM atonia which paralyzes or partially paralyzes the physical body during REM sleep so that dreams will not by physically acted out. That's from the perspective of science and the physical world. In reality, sleep paralysis is a function of the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World not quite existing when its energy is given to other dream bodies for use in the Unworld. Either way you look at it, sleep paralysis is one of the energy sensations experienced during the transition zone from the 2-3-4 World to the Unworld, i.e. part of the Urumara. Like the other energy sensations, not everyone consciously experiences REM atonia since the Urumara is often slid through quickly while the 2-3-4 Mind is completely unconscious.

SMUDGELY is a composite of my dream bodies who was first introduced to me in a pre-lucid dream on Aug. 29, 2016 in a dream I called 'New Eyes'. Her color is generally two or more tones of brown. She was a shy little dog named Ho who died on the aforementioned date. Ho was a hairless (mangy) dog at my neighbor's house in the Philippines who had a weird, gravelly bark. She used to sneak past me to get to my papaya shells, since I ate a papaya every morning for breakfast and she was stalking my compost pit. She would take one papaya shell, sneak home with it and eat it skin and all, then sneak back for the other half. I started leaving whole papayas for her when I had some to spare, and she gradually became my friend. When she got over the mange, she had beautiful two-tone hair with patches of white. She looked like a fox. During her life she had one child who lived, and that dog had two children who lived, both of whom now live with me. In 'New Eyes' my wife was painting a piano pink, which I barely noticed, then a beautiful young woman got me to look into her eyes, which sent me outside for a breath of fresh air. A storm was brewing, there was a very strange, ghostly sound, and something was coming out of a big white pipe in a hole in the ground. Something was being pushed out of the big pipe by some relentless force: a brown dog who spoke to me telepathically and said her name was Smudgely. The next day I learned that Ho had died. In my dreams, Smudgely appears as anything brown or anything canine. Since brown is the color formed by mixing other colors, it's safe to say that she is a composite of various other of my dream bodies such as 3ness (orange) and 5ness (green), but you can get brown by mixing just about anything if you add enough anythings. It is Smudgely's task to make me lucid by forcing me to look at odd stuff, i.e. Fogjoggers. Smudgely appeared in the first lucid dream I had during this phase of my practice which started in Nov. 2015.

SNAKE in dreams and visions is a universal symbol for kundalini, the power available to the higher self when the hoarded energy of the lower chakras is allowed to rise to the upper chakras. Learning how to unworld is the same thing. The Serpent of the Bible giving the power of intuition and wisdom to humans is the same thing, but you have to realize that the correct interpretation is that of the Gnostics: the spiteful, prideful, angry, jealous demanding god of the One-God religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) is actually an offshoot of the real universal energy, while this world, the creation of this Jealous God (the Demiurgos), is a mental institution for those who need to seek wisdom before they will be able to play well with others in the Unworld at large.

SORCERY as interpreted by Carlos Castaneda differed according to which book he was writing, and I don't define my practice or beliefs in his terms, although I find his philosophies interesting. There are some factions observed in society which are drawn to dark mystical arts involving manipulation and control of others, doing psychic battle, and there are some factions observed within unworlding which believe in so-called 'negs' or negative entities. I have no interest in any of this. I stopped reading fantasy novels when it became obvious to me that real life is a fantasy and that the underlying reality consists of what lies beyond and beneath this illusion we are living in. There will always be something titillating about the notion of coming into control of reality, but I doubt that this ability would be interesting enough to motivate most people for very long. Controlling unworlding experiences to me seems like the least interesting part of this practice. Nonetheless, the promise of gaining the use of certain tools attracts a kind of magical aura to it and there will always be a certain attractiveness to words like 'sorcery' and 'magic' even though I put no stock in any notions of an actual dark side of the Unworld being at war with any light side. I reject any notion that any part of our core reality is actually evil, nefarious or dangerous. Or happy and good, waiting for us to evolve into Its ever-loving arms. To me, it seems that the real nature of existence should be so much more interesting and subtle than that, eternally waiting to be discovered. That's sorcery.

SOUL RETINUE is your collection of dream bodies. For each of your seven chakras or overtones of awareness, you have a dream body. Most dream characters are your dream bodies trying to get your attention so you can merge with them and thus have their abilities. Besides the Seven, there are composite dream bodies such as the conscious mind or the 2-3-4 Body/Mind/World which is comprised mostly of the 2ness, 3ness, and 4ness dream bodies. The Silent Companion or SC is a composite of the dream bodies which your Attention is neither merged with nor experiencing as a separate dream character at the present time. SC is not often seen, heard, or directly involved in the dream plot, but is commonly sensed as a presence or partially fleshed-out dream character. The remote mind is a composite of the top four dream bodies--5ness, 6ness, 7ness, and 8ness--a.k.a. your subconscious mind. The Uppers is a composite of your 6ness, 7ness, and 8ness dream bodies. The Dream Usher or 5ness dream body is your heart chakra, the center of your being, the Nowhere, and is in a class by itself. The Dream Usher is pure Intent. The Body of Air or the Miruvor is your higher self, your future self, and is a composite of all seven dream bodies merged and cooperating with each other. The fully functioning Miruvor is free to go anywhere and do anything in the Unworld. I like to name my dream bodies. My higher self, for example, is named Whirly. At the present time I do not think that spirit guides are any different from our dream bodies and I don't see any reason to consider entities outside of myself to be qualified to guide me. I don't believe that we're deficient in that way when the Seven merge with each other to form the Body of Air. We are only powerless as long as the 2-3-4 tries to do the work of the Seven. Oneness is not separable into bodies, and as oneness we are all the same pure awareness.

SOUL RETRIEVAL or 'self soul retrieval' is a shamanic practice which seekers often misinterpret to be a form of psychotherapy. In reality, the first step in unworlding practice is to drop obsession with emotional issues and move on. The role of the shaman or medicine man in this process is to send signals to the seeker's dream bodies that the illness or problem has served its purpose and it is now OK to move on. In other words, the shaman is an expert at rounding up the Placebo Effect and putting it to good use. The best shamans can literally perform true healing of physical and mental problems because the Placebo Effect--i.e. the Intent--is more effective than most chemicals passed off as medicine by the current capitalistic faction passing itself off as the medical industry. As for the term 'soul retrieval' itself, TMI graduates have adopted the term based on material in Bob Monroe's last two books, to refer to the practice of finding lost souls in the Unworld who are stuck in their belief systems or in traumatic loops of some kind, and rescuing them to transfer them to the TMI belief system instead. The situation as I see it is that one's beliefs and karma are two-dimensional reflections which have no awareness as we know it, do not suffer in their supposed hells, and until the retriever interacts with them, they are just static 2-D reflections. The Focus 27 Reception Center which TMI graduates believe in is in fact a reflection center which robotically receives both retriever and retrievee and sends them both back where they came from, unchanged. In order to progress in unworlding, you have to realize that it is awareness that is infinite and eternal; the individual is just a tape which can be played by awareness for its own entertainment. So trying to fix yourself or anyone else is the ultimate waste of time, but go ahead and try, if that's what you're a-gonna do anyways.

SSILD or senses-induced-lucid-dream is a method of unworlding taught by an online entity called CosmicIron. The basic idea is to lie down, close your eyes, pay attention to your three main senses--vision, hearing, and touch--in several short cycles and then in several longer cycles, then roll over and go to sleep quickly. Betty Erickson used to use a similar method to put the master hypnotist Milton Erickson's clients into a receptive state of mind just before their session with him. CosmicIron claimed 100% success rate with this method but it's possible that he invented this method the same week he became 100% successful with his unworlding attempts, and the two events' co-occurence is unrelated. My experience is that it does put me into an altered state quickly, but due to my personal configuration it puts me to sleep too quickly. I'm not giving it a thumbs down yet, because I used to have the same problem with isolation tanks, so I will try it again. But so far I prefer DEILD which chains dream content to dream content, and FILD which chains motion of the dream body to intended-but-unfulfilled motion of the physical body. SSILD chains sensory awareness in the dream state to awareness in the induction state. It's also possible that CosmicIron, who disappeared and never came back when people on the internet were rude to him, was just looking for a testbed for the placebo effect since his dissertation on SSILD was so convincingly written that it could have sent any number of people straight to the Unworld before they made it to their beds

SOUND CURRENT, INNER SOUND CURRENT or 'the Sounds' are considered tinnitus by the medical establishment, so some unworlders recommend not paying attention to them, because always being distracted by the Sounds could become an annoying habit like not being able to stop yawning (now don't start!). The Sounds are always there. They are usually covered up by other sounds. They are the sound made by 2ness creating the world on an ongoing basis. To me, they sound like a high-pitched electrical sizzle. As a child with insomnia, I learned how to hear the Sounds as a cacaphony of people all talking at the same time, none of the words distinguishable. When I could make this happen, I knew I would be asleep soon. So the Sounds are one of the constants in our world which we rarely notice except in the transition zone between waking and sleeping, the Urumara. The OM of ancient tradition is the same thing as the Inner Sound Current which turns infinite awareness into the limited perception we call 'the world'. In Sikhism, the same can be said for their 'one God' slogan Eck Ong Kaar  which translates literally as 'oneness sounding form' into existence. The singer Snatum Kaur has a beautiful song called 'Ek Ong Kaar'. A religious organization built around unworlding was named Eckankar, which is the same thing spelled differently. Nada Yoga is a contemplation practice in which the meditator can eventually turn the Sounds into any manner of noise or music. In practice, if you Notice the Sounds suddenly getting stronger, you are close to the Urumara, so pay attention.

ST. JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO Stephen was the religious name given to the monk Giuseppe of Copertino who later became known as the flying monk St. Joseph of Cupertino who performed more miracles than any other saint in history, and tended to fly into the air during ecstatic trance so often that he had to be moved from town to town to keep curiosity seekers from overrunning his home. When Stephen came to me in a dream just before I had my first conscious exit to the Unworld, I had a picture of St. Joseph on my wall, but did not make the connection at the time because I had not yet read The Man Who Could Fly: St. Joseph of Copertino and the Mystery of Levitation. St. Joe was also the patron saint of idiots and mouth breathers. Please refer to the entry for 'idiot' and the entry for 'Boccaperta'.

STEPHEN was the religious name given to the monk Giuseppe of Copertino who later became known as the flying monk St. Joseph of Cupertino who performed more miracles than any other saint in history, and tended to fly into the air during ecstatic trance so often that he had to be moved from town to town to keep curiosity seekers from overrunning his home. When Stephen came to me in a dream just before I had my first conscious exit to the Unworld, I had a picture of St. Joseph on my wall, but did not make the connection at the time because I had not yet read The Man Who Could Fly: St. Joseph of Copertino and the Mystery of Levitation. St. Joe was also the patron saint of idiots and mouth breathers. Please refer to the entry for 'idiot' and the entry for 'Boccaperta'.

STUMPED-NO-MORE is another name for Whirly, my higher self, my 9ness dream body or body of air. Other names include Tiger and Stephen who is Saint Joseph of Copertino. This personage first appeared to me in 1980 in the most transcendent dream of my life. I found him by following the most incredible, undescribable music. The rest of the story is told from time to time throughout my writings.

SUCTION OF SLEEP is the power of the heart chakra or the Dream Usher, the Nowhere, trying to pull you through the Urumara into the Unworld. It is pointless to resist. This is a self-powered process, so if you get too close to the Urumara you will fall in. This is why we speak of 'falling' asleep. The heart chakra is a double valve pump like the physical heart, with the Green Room or intake chamber and the Projection Room proper or discharge chamber. The Suction of Sleep is thus fiveness or the power to get altered, personified as a machine that pumps your Attention from one state to another through an acceleration nozzle, the Urumara.

SUBLIMATING DISTRACTION is a powerful technique which literally invests energy you had planned to waste on emotional excess or any kind of animalistic indulgence into a very good chance of getting unworlded due to the fact that you bothered to use the energy to do something useful instead of throwing a tantrum or whatever indulgence you had planned. Since we are trying to escape from a planet-sized mental institution and not some airy-fairy, fuzzy-wuzzy paradise crawling with wish-granting genies competing to deliver unto us whatever we want out of life on a silver platter, it does not behoove us to get pissed about things we can't control. Environmental noise is a perfect example. If the neighbors are still cackling in the yard at 2 a.m., who am I to care? My self-importance is being challenged, so I must rise to the challenge and envision them as a gaggle of goblins or a nest of fairies or a herd of pink unicorns, whatever it takes, to strip the significance from potential distractions. Distraction is you distracting yourself, so don't do it. In my dream journal I can trace some of my milestone experiences to the decision to sublimate distractions. I live in a noisy Asian village where happy noise all night long is considered perfectly acceptable, while unhappy noise--even from the righteously wronged--is an offense punishable by physical brutality. So I have no choice but to sublimate distraction regularly.

SWALLOW REFLEX causes consternation to some if they think too much about not moving while trying to force themselves out of their body. The method of laying absolutely still is good for those who can do it, so here's what I do to avoid the need to swallow. First, and most importantly, do not dwell on it. Remind yourself that you don't think about swallowing at all till you think you can't or shouldn't, for example when the dentist puts her hand in your mouth, suddenly you're aware of the perceived need to swallow, afraid of drowning on your own saliva. Like breathing, swallowing is a semi-autonomous bodily function which the conscious mind is afraid of releasing control of. Some find that propping the head up on extra pillows keeps saliva from pooling up in the place where we feel we must swallow it or else choke on it. My favorite thing to do it to maintain a slight tension in the jaw so the mouth doesn't hang open, the lips don't actually part. This is done not by trying to hold the mouth closed as such, but by glomming your tongue onto the roof of your mouth and holding it there. This leaves no place for saliva to pool up noticably. It doesn't matter if your mouth comes open after you go to sleep. The problem is psychological, and is related to the choking panic that wakes some people up when trying to do microsleeps. Try to distract yourself from the problem completely by thinking of a different body part, as there is no problem at all as long as you don't dwell on it. Swallowing is not forbidden, slight movements are not a problem, obsession with physical problems is the problem. When you wake up with a dry mouth thinking that you absolutely must get a drink of water, it's better to just close your mouth. Saliva will flow and you can Chain right back to the Unworld if your bed is not on fire.

SYNFONEMIA is the shorthand name for the whole theory involving the harmonics of awareness.

THIRD EYE or the brow chakra, like all things chakra, needs to be examined freshly, in the context of actual experience, while most of the traditions surrounding it (and especially most of the YouTube offerings about it) can safely be ignored. The third eye is the energy center or overtone of awareness which rules intuition, seeing behind things to their true cause and meaning, real wisdom, etc. I personify my third eye or 7ness dream body or 6th overtone of awareness as Mouse, who has been able to induce desired phenomena by the sound of her voice, for example, in a dream. In Noticing sessions I have experienced the attempted opening of an eye which was not either of my physical eyes, with bright light streaming into it, an experience which was aborted both times because I mistakenly thought my physical eye was accidentally coming open, so closed it. Before realizing that bright light does not stream in through a dark sleeping mask. I'm hoping that this experience will try me out again, as it happened two days in a row.

TIGER is the earliest of several personifications I have had for my Higher Self or Future Self, my Miruvor, my Body of Air, my vehicle to freedom. Tiger was my power animal when I was into shamanic journeys. When I started having actual lucid dreams, I gave up playing Indian and have only rarely dipped into new age pretentiousness ever since. In fact, I stopped doing shamanic journeys the first time I actually got close enough to the Projection Room to see into it vs. visioneering which is somewhere between Forced Noticing and Spontaneous Noticing--or was so for me. I'm not putting down people who are good shamans, but for me the pseudo-culturalistic shamanic trappings and the ever-present danger of falling into committing Attempted Psychology on myself were no longer worth the extra trouble once I experienced real unworldings in the form of lucid dreams. But Tiger is still with me, appearing just before some of my best unworldings.

TIME is one of many reflections of 4ness, the 4th harmonic of awareness, the 3rd chakra, the 3rd overtone of reality, the color yellow. Other reflections or attempted descriptions of 4ness include order, system, organization, hierarchy, status, class, money, value, logic, reason and the like. While memory or 3ness relies on chaining separate things together, 4ness is the antidote for 3ness and helps us survive the onslaught of memories by providing structure and framework for prioritizing the infinite details that would cluster unordered if not for the gift of 4ness. Of course then we need an antidote for 4ness, which is 5ness or change.

TIMELINE SMUDGING is a simple method for training yourself to dream of the future. All you do is act out the previous night's dreams while you're awake the following day. If you dream of sitting on a green car, then the next day you find a green car and sit on it. If you keep doing this, you start dreaming of the future and spending large amounts of waking time in a deja vu state. Read the whole article here: I know this is possible because I've dreamed of the future before, unquestionably so. And deja vu is clearly a state wherein you are anomolously remembering having done something before. See also An Experiment with Time by J. W. Dunne, available free at

TMIte is someone who assumes that Robert Monroe's interpretation of reality are correct, and by extension, treats TMI (the Monroe Institute) as a church that disseminates correct beliefs. By the way, I love Bob Monroe, TMI and TMItes, but I am not a TMIte myself.

TRANSCENDENCE is the act of climbing across or somehow managing to get through, over, under or around what had once been a barrier or hurdle or stumbling block. There's volitional action involved, so transcendence is not a state of mind that you get by rubbing a pink unicorn's hindquarters. 'Transcend' comes from the same root as 'ascend' and 'descend'. Take descend for example. It doesn't mean fall down the mountain; there's effort involved.

TRANSITION ZONE is a word I use for the Urumara when I don't want to be accused of making up new terminology. One reason we need a term for this is that people keep talking about "sleep paralysis" as if sleep paralysis were the only thing going on in this zone. Actually there are a number of other energy sensations including the Vibes, the Intruder Alert, the Inner Sounds and other aurages, all kinds of images, feelages, slippages and pullages, not to mention the Vertigo and other energy sensations. We have to realize that there is such a thing as the borderline of sleep, the transition zone... the Urumara... so that people's various negative opinions about sleep paralysis and the study and attainment of sleep paralysis can stop pushing this whole topic to the side for fear of starting flame wars among the differently-opinionated.

TOUCHING EVERYTHING or palpating as termed by Michael Raduga, is said to be a method of stabilizing the unworlded state. This works better for some than for others. The key ingredient is participation with the 5+ senses in the setting, or leaving the setting to create another scene.

TUNNEL (THE) leads from the 2-3-4 Mind/Body/World to the Urumara. Dreaming and even lucid dreaming can take place in the Tunnel, but most commonly it is the location of non-REM dreams which are mostly comprised of thoughts constructing a little plot around themselves, vs. a visually vivid dream with sights and sounds and characters. The Tunnel is the route to the Unworld so it is generally traversed by anyone headed that way including practitioners trying to get unworlded from a waking state. In this sense, the Tunnel starts out after the internal dialog is shut off, continues into Forced Noticing, and finishes with Spontaneous Noticing, which leads directly to the Urumara. The Nowhere drives the whole process by accelerating the Practitioner through the Tunnel. Due to the power of the Nowhere, transit of the Tunnel can take place instantaneously with any or all of the above steps not experienced, and due to the fear of the 2-3-4 Mind of the Urumara, it can go into a coma at any point along the transit and remember nothing until waking up, generally in a stupor, in a non-lucid dream.

TV created the universe in the 1950s. I didn't used to literally believe this, but I said it enough times that it started to sound reasonably true.

UNWORLDING is a general term that includes everything that takes place in places that are not supposed to really exist according to status quo reality; the unprovable side of life. I usually use unworlding, the Unworld, unworlded etc. to refer to what people have been calling out-of-body experiences and lucid dreams, but the category is meant to be more general than that. It should especially include non-lucid dreams, spontaneous visions, and all kinds of altered states of consciousness.

UPPERS (THE) are a conglomeration of the 6ness, 7ness, and 8ness dream bodies. The Dream Usher or the 5ness dream body tries to get the 2-3-4 Mind/Body/World to stop monopolizing all your energy so some of that energy can be redistributed to the Uppers. Of course capitalism is modeled on the greed of the conscious mind, which has created the physical world as a place for it to try and grab everything for itself, and meanwhile the Uppers wait patiently for you to figure out that real and physical are two different things. Since they've transcended time (4ness), no matter how long you make them wait, the Uppers will still be waiting patiently for you to pass some of the normally monopolized energy of the 2-3-4 Mind to them so they can help you get unworlded.

UPSLIDING is a freeing up of the mindset by a decision to change one's belief system, which opens up your energy to a greater range of possibilities. For example, some teach that sex is bad for the practice. I have the distinct pleasure of having proven this wrong on several occasions. But if you believe that sex will prevent you from getting unworlded, the emotional funk you are putting yourself into will probably keep you from getting unworlded. Typically, upsliding involves rejecting a belief system or a belief and moving on joyfully into a bigger world.

URUM, in the Visayan or Bisaya language of the Philippines, refers to a dream in which you can't run away from trouble and can't shout for help either. This is an experience of sleep paralyis (conscious experience of REM atonia) in the Unworld, commonly in non-lucid dreams and nightmares. Filipinos believe that the urum can kill you, so if you are trying to run or shout in your dream, someone will wake you up, thinking they are saving your life. It goes back to the fact that the conscious mind doesn't know the difference between going through the transition zone (going to sleep) and dying.

URUMARA (THE) The Urumara is the doorway to the Unworld, or to a different state within the Unworld, or back to the physical world, thus the Urumara is a part of the Nowhere. It can also be described as the borderline between waking and sleeping, the moment when you go to sleep. So if you happen to be going in or out of REM sleep, the Urumara can include conscious sleep paralysis. It could be considered an experience of entering the Nowhere as a door, cliff, hurdle, obstacle, or barrier. Since it's a reflection of the Nowhere, going through, over or under it will cause a change in your state of awareness.

VAC-U-MOVE is one of the Frawmbickly Acts. It involves not moving the physical body for as long as possible. This will cause phantom wiggles, the Jerk, i.e. sensed motion of the dream bodies other than the 2-3-4 or physical body, because it's true what they say: nature abhors a vacuum. The motion of the other bodies somewhat out of phase with the 2-3-4 body can be sensed at any time, but generally will not be clearly sensed until the 2-3-4 is relaxed and held completely motionless for an extended period of time. This practice quickly builds confidence that the upper dream bodies actually exist, which is important in learning unworlding.

VEHICLE such as car, truck, bike, airplane, UFO, etc. are various symbolic experiences of the dream body or bodies.

VERTIGO (THE) is an energy sensation of internal expansion that takes place when you merge with the Uppers and as them, feel yourself receiving the energy that had been hoarded by you as the 2-3-4 body which had kept the 2-3-4 rooted in Earthville. The Vertigo is you receiving energy from yourself. It is a very real 'physical' sensation.

VIBES or the vibrations are one of the energy sensations that sometimes accompany the route to or from the Unworld. Experiencing the Vibes should not be your goal, but they are harmless. They feel as real as any physical experience, but they take place as an interaction among your energy centers (chakras, dream bodies.) The vibes can be very rough, like a freight train is going through your bedroom. I usually feel a mellow version of the Vibes when awakening from a dream.

VIOLET is the color of the 8ness dream body, the 7th chakra or crown chakra.

VOICE OF IDIOSSIFICATION, IDIOSSIFIER is my conscious mind, the 2-3-4 Mind, the trickster trying to maintain its beloved status quo by getting me to not bother to actually do my practice. The 2-3-4 Mind hoards all available energy in order to keep the physical world from crumbling under its own weight. The Voice of Idiossification lies to me so I will not take steps to attain my freedom from the prison of physicality. If I listen to the Idiossifier, most of my energy will be wasted watching YouTube videos about other unworlders, or reading books, and by that time there will be no time left over to do my practice. While 'Idiossifier' is the correct terminology for the purveyor of these dastardly lies, the willing recipient of the misinformation is correctly termed 'Idiossitard' or 'Idiot' for short. All based on extensive personal experience of watching the conscious mind lie to the conscious mind while my remote mind patiently sits by waiting for me to get over my love affair with what I think of as my 'self', but which is actually the slog within which my real self is stuck.

WAKING UP IN BED is a delusional experience that we repeat time after time without ever seeming to get it: we are in the Nowhere, the 3D blackness, probably vibrating noticably if we would bother to pay Attention, and able to easily go anywhere we want in the Unworld. But not willing to try. People who think they have insomnia are especially prone to this delusion, often lying around in a mental construct of their bed when already unworlded, having never tried to roll out or just get up and go somewhere else. This underscores the importance of remaining motionless with eyes closed when you wake up, and it has been suggested that straining the brain or other simple techniques can help you, upon waking, to do something more interesting than stretch, yawn, scratch your butt and start obsessing about your morning coffee and donuts.

WBTB or WAKE BACK TO BED is a strategy of unworlders in which they break up their normal sleeping time into two or more periods. This helps the conscious mind to find its correct niche. It increases the likelihood of lucidity upon going back to sleep. It interrupts the normal sleep routine which increases the likelihood of a conscious trip through the Urumara and/or conscious experience of sleep paralysis. The awake period between sleep periods is also a convenient and fitting time to record dreams and meditate. The modern notion of sleeping eight hours at a time is just that, a modern notion. It's a comatose experience compared to natural sleep patterns which were gradually forgotten with the advent of artificial lighting. A caveman who slept like us would have been eaten in his sleep. This is one reason that cavemen heard and saw gods, fairies, and unicorns while we think their myths are made up. Any disciplined alternation of waking and sleeping will help prepare you for lucidity in the Unworld. If you're nodding out, sit in a chair and record each awakening. If you're wide awake, meditate. If it's 3:00 a.m., stay up for ten more minutes while you write down your Intent Agenda in your dream journal for the umpteenth time. If you just had a Jerk and recall meeting your dream body or feeling a phantom wiggle or seeing some tiny vision, get out of bed and write it down. By interrupting your typical sleeping habits, you will provide refreshing entertainment to your dream bodies and envigorate them with energy normally wasted on sluggish, deeply unconscious sleep.

WHAT-JUST-HAPPENED is a reality check that will help your practice in many ways. During Awakenings or microsleep practice, upon Awakening from a little lapse into sleep, if you ask yourself What-Just-Happened, you might recall an interaction with one of your dream bodies. Upon Awakening from any amount of sleep, if you immediately ask yourself What-Just-Happened, you're more likely to remember more details of your dreams at this moment than any later time, even seconds later. During day-to-day activities you should always wonder if you are awake or dreaming, questioning your setting to see if it is realistic or absurd in any way. How did I get here? What was I just doing? Where am I going next? Is everything in place? In my experience, I commonly become lucid in dreams when I suddenly realize I don't know how I got here. I learned this style of reality-checking from dreaming coach Robert Waggoner.

WHIRLPOOL is a characterization of the chakra, or overtone of awareness, as a trap or temporary prison. As we progress from learning to learning, we escape one trap by balancing the talents of that harmonic against overuse or underuse, but the act of escaping a whirlpool lands us in the next whirlpool. The final whirlpool is 8ness, so having balanced 8ness which is relaxation, harmony, generosity, freedom, there's nothing left to do but fly free in the body of air, which is 9ness.

WHIRLY is one of the names of my higher self or future self, my Body of Air, my Miruvor, my nineness dream body, my ride to freedom. Also called Tiger, Stephen, St. Joseph of Cupertino, and Stumped-No-More the Fearless Fiddler. He is very quiet and perfectly calm, but his music is unforgettable, to say the least.

WILD or wake-induced-lucid-dreaming is the same thing as the direct method of phasing as termed by Michael Raduga. WILD is when you get unworlded from a waking state, while in contrast, for example, DILD is getting unworlded from a non-lucid dream state and DEILD--Raduga's indirect method--is getting unworlded from a dream exit, or having just woken up in the REM state. WILD or the direct exit technique takes longer to learn for most people than the other unworlding techniques but the basic skills are the same, it's the starting place that's different. As with any other starting-place, mindset takes precedence over method. Once it's mastered, WILD is the easiest and most natural method since it doesn't rely on chance as much as getting unworlded from the dream state. Those who have taken the trouble to learn WILD usually find it the most reliable place to start from, while many also report that the experience is more vivid and satisfying. Like most or all of the techniques, WILD is said to more likely get results if practiced after some restful sleep instead of at bedtime. However, my first WILD took place ten minutes after I lay down, on a night when my body was subject to REM rebound due to sleep deprivation. I have seldom practiced WILD when I am supposed to--in the wee hours--because I find it easier to achieve the right balance of sleepfulness and wakefulness if I go to bed early than if I wake up early. But most important is consistency and enthusiasm.

YAWN, FLOATING The Floating Yawn is a phenomenon that has happened to me twice that I know of, and I've read about it in one or two places. It is a curious sensation, one of the energy sensations involved in going through the Urumara, and it might be what some people call the Vertigo, when energy is handed off from the lower dream bodies to the Uppers during the transition to the Unworld. I actually invented the term 'Floating Yawn' back in the 1970s when my main topic of interest for a time was 'coming on' to a substance which was legal until 1967: LSD. I don't know if these various things are related but they seem to be.

YELLOW is the color of 4ness, order, value, hierarchy, work, framework, system, the third chakra or the third overtone of awareness.